Chapter 6. Caches

Table data and indexes are normally written on mass memories, such as disks, SSDs, or flash memories. However, accessing these media is a slow process; if the server has to do it too often, the input or output is probably the bottleneck. To avoid accessing disks, MariaDB and storage engines have several caches that a DBA should know about. The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

  • The InnoDB buffer pool and doublewrite buffer
  • The MyISAM key cache
  • The Aria page cache
  • The query and subquery cache
  • The table open cache
  • The main per-session buffers


Before beginning our discussion on the caches, a warning is needed. Many authoritative resources, such as the MariaDB Knowledge Base or the MySQL manual, suggest dedicating a huge amount of memory to the InnoDB buffer pool or to the default storage engine's main cache if most tables are not InnoDB tables. Many articles suggest dedicating about 70 percent or even 80 percent of the memory to the buffer pool. For MyISAM and Aria, much less memory is required by the main cache because only keys are cached by the storage engine. To cache data files, MariaDB relies on the operating system. While this hint may be valid in many cases, the DBA should carefully consider how much memory is needed by other caches. The query cache, if used, is usually not small. And if there are many concurrent connections, the per-session caches can consume a big amount of memory. Also, such suggestions apply to servers that are only dedicated to MariaDB. Any additional running daemon requires some memory.

InnoDB caches

Since InnoDB is the recommended engine for most use cases, configuring it is very important. The InnoDB buffer pool is a cache that should speed up most read and write operations. Thus, every DBA should know how it works. The doublewrite buffer is an important mechanism that guarantees that a row is never half-written to a file. For heavy-write workloads, we may want to disable it to obtain more speed.

InnoDB pages

Tables, data, and indexes are organized in pages, both in the caches and in the files. A page is a package of data that contains one or two rows and usually some empty space. The ratio between the used space and the total size of pages is called the fill factor.

By changing the page size, the fill factor changes inevitably. InnoDB tries to keep the pages 15/16 full. If a page's fill factor is lower than 1/2, InnoDB merges it with another page. If the rows are written sequentially, the fill factor should be about 15/16. If the rows are written randomly, the fill factor is between 1/2 and 15/16. A low fill factor represents a memory waste. With a very high fill factor, when pages are updated and their content grows, they often need to be reorganized, which negatively affects the performance.

The columns with a variable length type (TEXT, BLOB, VARCHAR, or VARBIT) are written into separate data structures called overlow pages. Such columns are called off-page columns. They are better handled by the DYNAMIC row format, which can be used for most tables when backward compatibility is not a concern. Row formats will be discussed in the next chapter.

A page never changes its size, and the size is the same for all pages. The page size, however, is configurable: it can be 4 KB, 8 KB, or 16 KB. The default size is 16 KB, which is appropriate for many workloads and optimizes full table scans. However, smaller sizes can improve the performance of some OLTP workloads involving many small insertions because of lower memory allocation, or storage devices with smaller blocks (old SSD devices). Another reason to change the page size is that this can greatly affect the InnoDB compression (which will be discussed in Chapter 7, InnoDB Compressed Tables).

The page size can be changed by setting the innodb_page_size variable in the configuration file and restarting the server.

The InnoDB buffer pool

On servers that mainly use InnoDB tables (the most common case), the buffer pool is the most important cache to consider. Ideally, it should contain all the InnoDB data and indexes to allow MariaDB to execute queries without accessing the disks. Changes to data are written into the buffer pool first. They are flushed to the disks later to reduce the number of I/O operations. Of course, if the data does not fit the server's memory, only a subset of them can be in the buffer pool. In this case, that subset should be the so-called working set: the most frequently accessed data.

The default size of the buffer pool is 128 MB and should always be changed. On production servers, this value is too low. On a developer's computer, usually, there is no need to dedicate so much memory to InnoDB. The minimum size, 5 MB, is usually more than enough when developing a simple application.

Old and new pages

We can think of the buffer pool as a list of data pages that are sorted with a variation of the classic Last Recently Used (LRU) algorithm. The list is split into two sublists: the new list contains the most used pages, and the old list contains the less used pages.

The first page in each sublist is called the head. The head of the old list is called the midpoint. When a page is accessed that is not in the buffer pool, it is inserted into the midpoint. The other pages in the old list shift by one position, and the last one is evicted.

When a page from the old list is accessed, it is moved from the old list to the head of the new list.


A description of this simple algorithm can be found on the site of George Mason University, Department of Computer Science, at the following URL:

When a page in the new list is accessed, it goes to the head of the list. The following variables affect the previously described algorithm:

  • innodb_old_blocks_pct: This variable defines the percentage of the buffer pool reserved to the old list. The allowed range is 5 to 95, and it is 37 (3/5) by default.
  • innodb_old_blocks_time: If this value is not 0, it represents the minimum age (in milliseconds) the old pages must reach before they can be moved into the new list. If an old page is accessed that did not reach this age, it goes to the head of the old list.
  • innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct: This variable defines the maximum percentage of pages that were modified in-memory. This mechanism will be discussed in the Dirty pages section later in this chapter. This value is not a hard limit, but InnoDB tries not to exceed it. The allowed range is 0 to 100, and the default is 75. Increasing this value can reduce the rate of writes, but the shutdown will take longer (because dirty pages need to be written onto the disk before the server can be stopped in a clean way).
  • innodb_flush_neighbors: If set to 1, when a dirty page is flushed from memory to a disk, even the contiguous pages are flushed. If set to 2, all dirty pages from the same extent (the portion of memory whose size is 1 MB) are flushed. With 0, only dirty pages are flushed when their number exceeds innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct or when they are evicted from the buffer pool. The default is 1. This optimization is only useful for spinning disks. Write-incentive workloads may need an aggressive flushing strategy; however, if the pages are written too often, they degrade the performance.

Buffer pool instances

On MariaDB versions older than 5.5, InnoDB creates only one instance of the buffer pool. However, concurrent threads are blocked by a mutex, and this may become a bottleneck. This is particularly true if the concurrency level is high and the buffer pool is very big. Splitting the buffer pool into multiple instances can solve the problem.

Multiple instances represent an advantage only if the buffer pool size is at least 2 GB. Each instance should be of size 1 GB. InnoDB will ignore the configuration and will maintain only one instance if the buffer pool size is less than 1 GB. Furthermore, this feature is more useful on 64-bit systems.

The following variables control the instances and their size:

  • innodb_buffer_pool_size: This variable defines the total size of the buffer pool (no single instances). Note that the real size will be about 10 percent bigger than this value. A percentage of this amount of memory is dedicated to the change buffer (discussed in Chapter 7, InnoDB Compressed Tables).
  • innodb_buffer_pool_instances: This variable defines the number of instances. If the value is -1, InnoDB will automatically decide the number of instances. The maximum value is 64. The default value is 8 on Unix and depends on the innodb_buffer_pool_size variable on Windows.

Dirty pages

When a user executes a statement that modifies data in the buffer pool, InnoDB initially modifies the data that is only in memory. The pages that are only modified in the buffer pool are called dirty pages. Pages that have not been modified or whose changes have been written on the disk are called as clean pages.

Note that changes to data are also written to the redo log. If a crash occurs before those changes are applied to data files, InnoDB is usually able to recover the data, including the last modifications, by reading the redo log and the doublewrite buffer. The doublewrite buffer will be discussed later, in the Explaining the doublewrite buffer section. More details on the redo log can be found in Chapter 11, Data Sharding.

At some point, the data needs to be flushed to the InnoDB data files (the .ibd files). In MariaDB 10.0, this is done by a dedicated thread called the page cleaner. In older versions, this was done by the master thread, which executes several InnoDB maintenance operations. The flushing is not only concerned with the buffer pool, but also with the InnoDB redo and undo log.

The list of dirty pages is frequently updated when transactions write data at the physical level. It has its own mutex that does not lock the whole buffer pool.

The maximum number of dirty pages is determined by innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct as a percentage. When this maximum limit is reached, dirty pages are flushed.

The innodb_flush_neighbor_pages value determines how InnoDB selects the pages to flush. If it is set to none, only selected pages are written. If it is set to area, even the neighboring dirty pages are written. If it is set to cont, all contiguous blocks of the dirty pages are flushed.

On shutdown, a complete page flushing is only done if innodb_fast_shutdown is 0. Normally, this method should be preferred, because it leaves data in a consistent state. However, if many changes have been requested but still not written to disk, this process could be very slow. It is possible to speed up the shutdown by specifying a higher value for innodb_fast_shutdown. In this case, a crash recovery will be performed on the next restart.

The read ahead optimization

The read ahead feature is designed to reduce the number of read operations from the disks. It tries to guess which data will be needed in the near future and reads it with one operation.

Two algorithms are available to choose the pages to read in advance:

  • linear read ahead
  • random read ahead

The linear read ahead is used by default. It counts the pages in the buffer pool that are read sequentially. If their number is greater than or equal to innodb_read_ahead_threshold, InnoDB will read all data from the same extent (a portion of data whose size is always 1 MB). The innodb_read_ahead_threshold value must be a number from 0 to 64. The value 0 disables the linear read ahead but does not enable the random read ahead. The default value is 56.

The random read ahead is only used if the innodb_random_read_ahead server variable is set to ON. By default, it is set to OFF. This algorithm checks whether at least 13 pages in the buffer pool have been read to the same extent. In this case, it does not matter whether they were read sequentially. With this variable enabled, the full extent will be read. The 13-page threshold is not configurable.

If innodb_read_ahead_threshold is set to 0 and innodb_random_read_ahead is set to OFF, the read ahead optimization is completely turned off.

Diagnosing the buffer pool performance

MariaDB provides some tools to monitor the activities of the buffer pool and the InnoDB main thread. By inspecting these activities, a DBA can tune the relevant server variables to improve the performance.

In this section, we will discuss the SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS SQL statement and the INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table in the information_schema database. While the latter provides more information about the buffer pool, the SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS output is easier to read.

The INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS table contains the following columns:

Column name



Each InnoDB buffer pool instance has a different ID.


Size (in pages) of the instance.


Number of free pages.


Total number of data pages.


Pages in the old list.


Dirty pages.


Number of pages that need to be decompressed (InnoDB compression will be discussed in Chapter 7, InnoDB Compressed Tables).


Pending read operations.


Pages in the old or new lists that need to be flushed.


Pages in the flush list that need to flushed.


Number of pages moved into the new list.


Old pages that did not become young.


Pages made young per second. This value is reset each time it is shown.


Pages read but not made young (this happens because they do not reach the minimum age) per second. This value is reset each time it is shown.


Number of pages read from disk.


Number of pages created in the buffer pool.


Number of pages written to disk.


Pages read from disk per second.


Pages created in the buffer pool per second.


Pages written to disk per second.


Requests of pages that are not in the buffer pool.


Rate of page hits.


Pages made young per thousand physical reads.


Pages that remain in the old list per thousand reads.


Number of pages read with a read ahead operation.


The number of pages read with a read ahead operation that were never used and then were evicted.


Similar to NUMBER_PAGES_READ_AHEAD, but this is a per-second rate.


Similar to NUMBER_READ_AHEAD_EVICTED, but this is a per-second rate.


Total number of pages read or written to disk.


Pages read or written to disk within the last second.


Pages that have been uncompressed.


Pages that have been uncompressed within the last second.

The per-second values are reset after they are shown.

The PAGES_MADE_YOUNG_RATE and PAGES_NOT_MADE_YOUNG_RATE values show us, respectively, how often old pages become new and to what extent old pages are never accessed in a reasonable amount of time. If the former value is too high, the old list is probably not big enough and vice versa.

Comparing READ_AHEAD_RATE and READ_AHEAD_EVICTED_RATE is useful to tune the read ahead feature. The READ_AHEAD_EVICTED_RATE value should be low, because it indicates which pages read with the read ahead operations were not useful. If their ratio is good but READ_AHEAD_RATE is low, probably the read ahead should be used more often. In this case, if the linear read ahead is used, we can try to increase or decrease innodb_read_ahead_threshold. Or, we can change the used algorithm (linear or random read ahead).

The columns whose names end with _RATE better describe the current server activities. They should be examined several times a day, and during the whole week or month, perhaps with the help of one of more monitoring tools. Good, free software monitoring tools include Cacti and Nagios. The Percona Monitoring Tools package includes MariaDB (and MySQL) plugins that provide an interface to these tools.

Dumping and loading the buffer pool

In some cases, one may want to save the current contents of the buffer pool and reload them later. The most common case is when the server is stopped. Normally, on startup, the buffer pool is empty, and InnoDB needs to fill it with useful data. This process is called warm-up. Until the warm-up is complete, the InnoDB performance is lower than usual.

Two variables help avoid the warm-up phase: innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown and innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup. If their value is ON, InnoDB automatically saves the buffer pool into a file at shut down and restores it at startup. Their default value is OFF.

Turning them ON can be very useful, but remember the caveats:

  • The startup and shutdown time might be longer. In some cases, we might prefer MariaDB to start more quickly even if it is slower during warm-up.
  • We need the disk space necessary to store the buffer pool.

The user may also want to dump the buffer pool at any moment and restore it without restarting the server. This is advisable when the buffer pool is optimal and some statements are going to heavily change its contents. A common example is when a big InnoDB table is fully scanned. This happens, for example, during logical backups (which will be discussed in Chapter 8, Backup and Disaster Recovery). A full table scan will fill the old list with non-frequently accessed data. A good way to solve the problem is to dump the buffer pool before the table scan and reload it later.

This operation can be performed by setting two special variables: innodb_buffer_pool_dump_now and innodb_buffer_pool_load_now. Reading the values of these variables always returns OFF. Setting the first variable to ON forces InnoDB to immediately dump the buffer pool into a file. Setting the latter variable to ON forces InnoDB to load the buffer pool from that file.

In both cases, the progress of the dump or load operation is indicated by the Innodb_buffer_pool_dump_status and Innodb_buffer_pool_load_status status variables. If loading the buffer pool takes too long, it is possible to stop it by setting innodb_buffer_pool_load_abort to ON. The name and path of the dump file are specified in the innodb_buffer_pool_filename server variable. Of course, we should be sure that the chosen directory can contain the file, but it is much smaller than the memory used by the buffer pool.

The InnoDB change buffer

The change buffer is a cache that is a part of the buffer pool. It contains dirty pages related to secondary indexes (not primary keys) that are not stored in the main part of the buffer pool. If the modified data is read later, it will be merged into the buffer pool. In older versions, this buffer was called the insert buffer, but now it is renamed because it can handle deletions.

The change buffer speeds up the following write operations:

  • insertions: When new rows are written.
  • deletions: When existing rows are marked for deletion but not yet physically erased for performance reasons.
  • purges: The physical elimination of previously marked rows and obsolete index values. This is periodically done by a dedicated thread.

In some cases, we may want to disable the change buffer. For example, we may have a working set that only fits the memory if the change buffer is discarded. In this case, even after disabling it, we will still have all the frequently accessed secondary indexes in the buffer pool. Also, DML statements may be rare for our database, or we may have just a few secondary indexes: in these cases, the change buffer does not help.

The change buffer can be configured using the following variables:

  • innodb_change_buffer_max_size: This is the maximum size of the change buffer, expressed as a percentage of the buffer pool. The allowed range is 0 to 50, and the default value is 25.
  • innodb_change_buffering: This determines which types of operations are cached by the change buffer. The allowed values are none (to disable the buffer), all, inserts, deletes, purges, and changes (to cache inserts and deletes, but not purges). The all value is the default value.

Explaining the doublewrite buffer

When InnoDB writes a page to disk, at least two events can interrupt the operation after it is started: a hardware failure or an OS failure. In the case of an OS failure, this should not be possible if the pages are not bigger than the blocks written by the system.

In this case, the InnoDB redo and undo logs are not sufficient to recover the half-written page, because they only contain pages ID's, not their data. This improves the performance.

To avoid half-written pages, InnoDB uses the doublewrite buffer. This mechanism involves writing every page twice. A page is valid after the second write is complete. When the server restarts, if a recovery occurs, half-written pages are discarded. The doublewrite buffer has a small impact on performance, because the writes are sequential, and are flushed to disk together.

However, it is still possible to disable the doublewrite buffer by setting the innodb_doublewrite variable to OFF in the configuration file or by starting the server with the --skip-innodb-doublewrite parameter. This can be done if data correctness is not important.

If performance is very important, and we use a fast storage device, we may note the overhead caused by the additional disk writes. But if data correctness is important to us, we do not want to simply disable it. MariaDB provides an alternative mechanism called atomic writes. These writes are like a transaction: they completely succeed or they completely fail. Half-written data is not possible. However, MariaDB does not directly implement this mechanism, so it can only be used on FusionIO storage devices using the DirectFS filesystem. FusionIO flash memories are very fast flash memories that can be used as block storage or DRAM memory. To enable this alternative mechanism, we can set innodb_use_atomic_writes to ON. This automatically disables the doublewrite buffer.

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