Reverse routing

Play provides a feature to make HTTP calls using Scala methods. For every route defined, an equivalent Scala method is generated in the routes_ReverseRouting.scala file. This is very convenient when making a request from within our Scala code, for example, within views such as the following:

 @(tasks: List[Task], taskForm: Form[String])

@import helper._

@main("Task Tracker") {

    <h2>Task Tracker</h2>

    @form(routes.TaskController.newTask) { { error =>
            <p class="error">
            <input type="text" name="taskName" placeholder="Add a new Task" required>

            <input type="submit" value="Add">
        <ul> { task =>
                @form(routes.TaskController.deleteTask( {
         <input type="submit" value="Remove">


The content of the routes_reverseRouting.scala file would be similar to the following:

import Routes.{prefix => _prefix, defaultPrefix => _defaultPrefix}
import play.core._
import play.core.Router._
import play.core.j._

import play.api.mvc._

import Router.queryString

// @LINE:5
package controllers {

// @LINE:5
class ReverseAppController {

// @LINE:5
def index(): Call = {
   Call("GET", _prefix)

// @LINE:5
package controllers.javascript {

// @LINE:5
class ReverseAppController {

// @LINE:5
def index : JavascriptReverseRoute = JavascriptReverseRoute(
      function() {
      return _wA({method:"GET", url:"""" + _prefix + """"})

// @LINE:5
package controllers.ref {

// @LINE:5
class ReverseAppController {

// @LINE:5
def index(): play.api.mvc.HandlerRef[_] = new play.api.mvc.HandlerRef(
    controllers.AppController.index(), HandlerDef(this, "controllers.AppController", "index", Seq(), "GET", """ Routes
 This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
 Home page""", _prefix + """""")

The reverse routes return a call. A call describes an HTTP request and can be used to create links or fill and redirect data. It is defined as follows:

case class Call(method: String, url: String) extends play.mvc.Call {

    //Transform this call to an absolute URL.
    def absoluteURL(secure: Boolean = false)(implicit request: RequestHeader) = {
      "http" + (if (secure) "s" else "") + "://" + + this.url

    // Transform this call to an WebSocket URL.
    def webSocketURL(secure: Boolean = false)(implicit request: RequestHeader) = {
      "ws" + (if (secure) "s" else "") + "://" + + this.url

    override def toString = url


JavaScript reverse routing

In routes_reverseRouting.scala, there is also a method that returns JavascriptReverseRoute. We could use this in our JavaScript code when we wish to send a request. Prior to this, however, we would need to define a JavaScript router. We could do this by defining an action and then adding a route for it, as shown in this example:

def javascriptRoutes = Action { implicit request =>

Then, we could include it in the routes file in this way:

GET /javascriptRoutes  controllers.AppController.javascriptRoutes

Next, we could refer to it in our views as follows:

<script type="text/javascript" src="@routes.AppController.javascriptRoutes"></script>

Once this is done, in our JavaScript scripts we could use the router to send requests to the server, as follows:

  success: function(data) {
    console.log("redirect successful");
  } ,
    console.log("something terrible happened" + e);
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