Closing a WebSocket

When the WebSocket is closed, Play automatically stops the actor bound to it. This binding works in two ways: the WebSocket connection is closed when the underlying actor is killed. If there is a need to free any resources once the connection is closed, we can do so by overriding the actor's postStop method. In our example, we have initialized a DBActor within WebSocketChannel. We will need to ensure that it's killed once the WebSocket is closed, since each connection to the WebSocket will lead to the initialization of a DBActor. We can do so by sending it a poison pill, as shown here:

override def postStop() = {
  backend ! PoisonPill

Using FrameFormatter

Suppose that an incoming JSON has the same fields for every request, instead of parsing it every time; we can define an equivalent class in this way:

case class WebsocketRequest(reqType:String, message:String)

Now, we can define our WebSocket to translate the JSON message to a WebSocketRequest automatically. This is possible by specifying the data type for the acceptWithActor method:

def websocketFormatted = WebSocket.acceptWithActor[WebsocketRequest, JsValue]{
  request => out =>

However, for this to work as expected, we need two implicit values. The first is for translating incoming frames to WebsocketRequest, which requires a JsValue to the WebSocketRequest formatter:

implicit val requestFormat = Json.format[WebsocketRequest]
implicit val requestFrameFormatter = FrameFormatter.jsonFrame[WebsocketRequest]

Similarly, we can specify the types of the outgoing messages as well:

FrameFormatter is a helper and can convert org.jboss.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketFrame to play.core.server.websocket.Frames.


The WebSocket methods do not validate the format of data received automatically in the same manner as Action parsers. We will need to do this additionally, if required.

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