Exposing services through plugins

Some plugins need to provide users with helper methods to simplify transactions, whereas others need not do anything besides some tasks to be added in the application's life cycle. For example, our NotifierPlugin just sends e-mails on start and stop. Then, the methods of our CassandraPlugin can be accessed using the plugin method of play.api.Application:

object CassandraHelper {
  private val casPlugin = Play.application.plugin[CassandraPlugin].get

  //complete DB transactions with the connection pool started through the plugin
  def executeStmt(stmt:String) = {

Alternatively, the plugin can also provide a helper object:

object Cassandra {
  private val casPlugin = Play.application.plugin[CassandraPlugin].get

  private val cassandraHelper = casPlugin.helper

   * gets the Cassandra hosts provided in the configuration
  def hosts: Array[java.lang.String] = cassandraHelper.hosts

    * gets the port number on which Cassandra is running from the configuration
  def port: Int = cassandraHelper.port

    * gets a reference of the started Cassandra cluster
    * The cluster is built with the configured set of initial contact points
   * and policies at startup
  def cluster: Cluster = cassandraHelper.cluster

    * gets a reference of the started Cassandra session
    * A new session is created on the cluster at startup
  def session: Session = cassandraHelper.session

    * executes CQL statements available in given file.
    * Empty lines or lines starting with `#` are ignored.
    * Each statement can extend over multiple lines and must end with a semi-colon.
   * @param fileName - name of the file
  def loadCQLFile(fileName: String): Unit = {
    Util.loadScript(fileName, cassandraHelper.session)


A list of available modules is maintained at https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.3.x/Modules.

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