Java EE web applications with the archetype plugin

If you want to start with a Java EE web application, you can simply use the maven-archetype-webapp archetype to generate the Maven project skeleton, which is shown as follows:

$ mvn archetype:generate -B

The preceding command will produce the following directory structure. One issue here is that it does not have the java directory just after src/main. If you want to add any Java code, you need to make sure that you first create an src/main/java directory and create your Java package under it. Otherwise, with the default configuration settings, Maven won't pick your classes for compilation. By default, Maven looks for the source code inside src/main/java:

     |- src/main/resources

The maven-archetype-webapp archetype is not the only archetype to generate a Java EE project using the archetype plugin. Codehaus, a collaborative environment to build open source projects, also provides a few archetypes to generate web applications. The following example uses the webapp-javaee6 archetype from Codehaus:

$ mvn archetype:generate -B

The preceding command will produce the following directory structure. This overcomes one of the issues in the maven-archetype-webapp archetype and creates the src/main/java and src/test/java directories. The only issue here is that it does not create the src/main/webapp/WEB-INF directory and you need to create it manually:


Deploying web applications to a remote Apache Tomcat server

Now we have created a template web application either using the maven-archetype-webapp or webapp-javaee6 archetype. Let's see how to deploy this web application into a remote Apache Tomcat application server from Maven itself. Most developers would prefer doing this rather over manual copying. To deploy the web application, perform the following steps:


This assumes you have already installed Apache Tomcat in your environment. If not, you can download Tomcat 7.x distribution from and set it up.

  1. As we are going to deploy the web application to a remote Tomcat server, we need to have a valid user account that has the privilege of deploying a web application. Add the following entries to the TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml file under the tomcat-users root element. This will create a user with the name admin and the password password, having the manager-gui and manager-script roles.
    <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
    <role rolename="manager-script"/>
    <user username="admin" password="password" roles="manager-gui,manager-script"/>
  2. Now, we need to configure Maven to talk to the remote Tomcat server. Add the following configuration to USER_HOME/.m2/settings.xml under the servers element, as follows:
  3. Go inside the root directory of the template web application we generated before (my-webapp) and then add tomcat7-maven-plugin to it. The complete pom.xml file should look like this:
    <project >
      <name>my-webapp Maven Webapp</name>
  4. Use the following Maven command to build and deploy the template web application into the Tomcat server. Once it is deployed, you can access it via http://localhost:8080/my-webapp/:
    $ mvn clean install tomcat7:deploy
  5. To redeploy, use the following command:
    $ mvn clean install tomcat7:redeploy
  6. To undeploy, use the following command:
    $ mvn clean install tomcat7:undeploy
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