EJB archives with the archetype plugin

Here, we will discuss how to create a Maven Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) project using the ejb-javaee6 archetype developed by Codehaus, which is a collaborative environment for building open source projects:

$ mvn archetype:generate -B

The previous command produces the following skeleton project. You can create your EJB classes inside src/main/java/com/packt/samples/ejbapp/:


If you look at the following pom.xml file inside my-ejbapp, you will notice that maven-ejb-plugin is used internally to produce the EJB artifact:


Even though we highlighted ejb-javaee6, it is not the best out there for generating a Maven EJB project. The template produced by the ejb-javaee6 archetype is very basic. Oracle WebLogic has developed a better EJB archetype, basic-webapp-ejb.The following example shows how to use the basic-webapp-ejb archetype:

$ mvn archetype:generate -B

Prior to executing the previous command, there is more homework to be done. The basic-webapp-ejb archetype is not available in any public Maven repositories. First, you need to download the WebLogic distribution from http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/java/wls_12c_netbeans_install/wls_12c_netbeans_install.html and then install it locally by performing the instructions in the README.txt file. Once the installation is completed, the basic-webapp-ejb archetype and weblogic-maven-plugin can be installed into the local Maven repository, as follows:

  1. Go to wls12130/wlserver/server/lib and execute the following command. This will build the plugin JAR file using the WebLogic JarBuilder tool.
    $ java -jar wljarbuilder.jar -profile weblogic-maven-plugin
  2. The previous command created the weblogic-maven-plugin.jar file. Now we need to extract it to get the pom.xml file. From wls12130/wlserver/server/lib, execute the following command:
    $ jar xvf weblogic-maven-plugin.jar
  3. Now we need to copy the pom.xml file to wls12130/wlserver/server/lib. From wls12130/wlserver/server/lib, execute the following command:
    $ cp META-INF/maven/com.oracle.weblogic/weblogic-maven-plugin/pom.xml .
  4. Now we can install weblogic-maven-plugin.jar into the local Maven repository. From wls12130/wlserver/server/lib, execute the following command:
    $ mvn install:install-file -Dfile=weblogic-maven-plugin.jar -DpomFile=pom.xml
  5. In addition to the plugin, we also need to install the basic-webapp-ejb archetype. To do this, go to wls12130/oracle_common/plugins/maven/com/oracle/maven/oracle-maven-sync/12.1.3 and execute the following two commands. Note that oracle_common is a hidden directory. If you are using a different version of WebLogic instead of 12.1.3, use the number associated with your version:
    $ mvn install:install-file -DpomFile=oracle-maven-sync-12.1.3.pom -Dfile=oracle-maven-sync-12.1.3.jar
    $ mvn com.oracle.maven:oracle-maven-sync:push -Doracle-maven-sync.oracleHome=/Users/prabath/Downloads/wls12130  -Doracle-maven-sync.testingOnly=false

Once we are done with these steps, you can execute the following command to generate the EJB template project using the WebLogic basic-webapp-ejb archetype. Make sure that you have the right version for archetypeVersion. This should match the archetype version that comes with your WebLogic distribution:

$ mvn archetype:generate -B

This command produces the following skeleton project:


To package the EJB archive, execute the following command from the my-ejbapp directory. This will produce basicWebappEjb.war inside the target directory. Now you can deploy this WAR file into your Java EE application server, which supports EJB:

$ mvn package
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