Following naming conventions

When defining coordinates for your Maven project, you must always follow the naming conventions.

The value of the groupId element should follow the same naming convention you use in Java package names. It has to be a domain name (the reverse of the domain name) that you own, or at least your project is developed under.

The following lists out some of the naming conventions related to groupId:

  • The name of the groupId element has to be in lower case.
  • Use the reverse of a domain name that can be used to uniquely identify your project. This will also help to avoid collisions between artifacts produced by different projects.
  • Avoid using digits or special characters (that is, org.wso2.carbon.identity-core).
  • Do not try to group two words into a single word by camel casing (that is, org.wso2.carbon.identityCore).
  • Make sure that all the subprojects developed under different teams in the same company finally inherit from the same groupId element and extend the name of the parent groupId element rather than defining their own.

Let's go through some examples. You will notice that all the open source projects developed under Apache Software Foundation (ASF) use the same parent groupId (org.apache) and define their own groupId elements, which extend from the parent:

  • The Apache Axis2 project uses org.apache.axis2, which inherits from the org.apache parent groupId
  • The Apache Synapse project uses org.apache.synapse, which inherits from the org.apache parent groupId
  • The Apache ServiceMix project uses org.apache.servicemix, which inherits from the org.apache parent groupId
  • The WSO2 Carbon project uses org.wso2.carbon

Apart from the groupId element, you should also follow the naming conventions while defining artifactIds.

The following lists out some of the naming conventions related to artifactId:

  • The name of the artifactId has to be in lower case.
  • Avoid duplicating the value of groupId inside the artifactId element. If you find a need to start your artifactId with the value of groupId element and add something to the end, then you need to revisit the structure of your project. You might need to add more module groups.
  • Avoid using special characters (that is, #, $, &, %, and so on).
  • Do not try to group two words into a single word by camel casing (that is, identityCore).

Following naming conventions for version is also equally important. The version of a given Maven artifact can be divided into four categories:

<Major version>.<Minor version>.<Incremental version>-<Build number or the qualifier>

The major version reflects the introduction of a new major feature. A change in the major version of a given artifact can also mean that the new changes are not necessarily backward compatible with the previously released artifact. The minor version reflects an introduction of a new feature to the previously released version, in a backward compatible manner. The incremental version reflects a bug-fixed release of the artifact. The build number can be the revision number from the source code repository.

This versioning convention is not just for Maven artifacts. Apple did a major release of its iOS mobile operating system in September 2014: iOS 8.0.0. Soon after the release, they discovered a critical bug in it that had an impact on cellular network connectivity and TouchID on iPhone. Then, they released iOS 8.0.1 as a patch release to fix the issues.

Let's go through some of the examples:

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