Writing a minimal native extension

We'll start by writing a very simple extension with just one function that takes Dart's String object as an argument and returns another String object with characters in a reverse order. Let's start by defining the two mandatory C functions, as we mentioned earlier.

The implementation here is based on the official example from https://github.com/dart-lang/bleeding_edge/blob/master/dart/samples/sample_extension/sample_extension.cc:

// Header files are part of Dart SDK.
#include "include/dart_native_api.h"
#include "include/dart_api.h"

Dart_NativeFunction ResolveName(Dart_Handle name,
                                int argc,
                                bool* auto_setup_scope) {

DART_EXPORT Dart_Handle fuzzy_search_Init(
        Dart_Handle parent_library) {
    if (Dart_IsError(parent_library)) {
        return parent_library;
    // Register handler that is called every
    // time Dart's "native" keyword is used.
    Dart_Handle result_code = Dart_SetNativeResolver(
        parent_library, ResolveName, NULL);
    if (Dart_IsError(result_code)) {
        return result_code;
    return Dart_Null();
// Raise a Dart exception if Dart_Handle contains an error value.
Dart_Handle HandleError(Dart_Handle handle) {
    if (Dart_IsError(handle)) {
    return handle;

void Hello(Dart_NativeArguments arguments) { /* ... */ }

Dart_NativeFunction ResolveName(Dart_Handle name,
                                int argc,
                                bool* auto_setup_scope) {
    if (!Dart_IsString(name)) return NULL;

    Dart_NativeFunction result = NULL;
    if (auto_setup_scope == NULL) return NULL;
    // Convert Dart's String object to C char array.
    const char* cname;
    HandleError(Dart_StringToCString(name, &cname));
    // Return reference to Hello() function from this extension.
    if (strcmp("Hello", cname) == 0) {
        result = Hello;
    return result;

We also defined a HandleError() helper function that checks Dart's internal Dart_Handle structure for an error and lets us throw a Dart exception that can be properly handled with a try-catch in Dart. The Dart_Handle structure represents all values in Dart. Every time we pass values from Dart or return values to Dart, we need to wrap them as Dart_Handle structures (for example, we had to unwrap Dart's String to char* with Dart_StringToCString()).

The Dart code loads the extension and maps the _hello() function to Hello() in the extension:

// Use dart-ext to load the native extension.
// Native extension must be libfuzzy_search.[dll, so, dylib].
import 'dart-ext:fuzzy_search';
String _hello(String str) native "Hello";

main() {

The native keyword makes the Dart VM call ResolveName(), which returns a reference to the Hello() function. The last thing is to implement Hello():

char* reverse(const char* s) {
    int length = strlen(s);
    char* reverse = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (length + 1));
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
        reverse[i] = s[length - 1 - i];
    reverse[length] = '';
    return reverse;

void Hello(Dart_NativeArguments arguments) {
    const char* inputStr;
    char* reverseStr;
        Dart_GetNativeArgument(arguments, 0), &inputStr);
    reverseStr = reverse(inputStr);
    Dart_Handle result = Dart_NewStringFromCString(reverseStr);
    Dart_SetReturnValue(arguments, result);

We used the Dart_StringToCString()function to convert Dart's representation of String into an array of chars, which is stored in the inputStr variable. Then, we create a new array and copy all chars to it in reverse order. To return the value to Dart, we need to convert it into Dart_Handle with Dart_NewStringFromCString() and then call Dart_SetReturnValue(), which sets the returned value. Note that even if we didn't want to return any value, we would still have to set the return value as null with Dart_SetReturnValue(Dart_Null()).

At the beginning of the Hello() function, we create a new Dart scope with Dart_EnterScope(), which we close at the end with Dart_ExitScope(). This automatically deallocates all created Dart_Handles and we don't need to do it by ourselves as with reverseStr, where we have to release the allocated memory with free(reverseStr).

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