Chapter 1. Defining Dependencies

When we develop software, we need to write code. Our code consists of packages with classes, and those can be dependent on the other classes and packages in our project. This is fine for one project, but we sometimes depend on classes in other projects we didn't develop ourselves, for example, we might want to use classes from an Apache Commons library or we might be working on a project that is part of a bigger, multi-project application and we are dependent on classes in these other projects.

Most of the time, when we write software, we want to use classes outside of our project. Actually, we have a dependency on those classes. Those dependent classes are mostly stored in archive files, such as Java Archive (JAR) files. Such archive files are identified by a unique version number, so we can have a dependency on the library with a specific version.

In this chapter, you are going to learn how to define dependencies in your Gradle project. We will see how we can define the configurations of dependencies. You will learn about the different dependency types in Gradle and how to use them when you configure your build.

Declaring dependency configurations

In Gradle, we define dependency configurations to group dependencies together. A dependency configuration has a name and several properties, such as a description and is actually a special type of FileCollection. Configurations can extend from each other, so we can build a hierarchy of configurations in our build files. Gradle plugins can also add new configurations to our project, for example, the Java plugin adds several new configurations, such as compile and testRuntime, to our project. The compile configuration is then used to define the dependencies that are needed to compile our source tree. The dependency configurations are defined with a configurations configuration block. Inside the block, we can define new configurations for our build. All configurations are added to the project's ConfigurationContainer object.

In the following example build file, we define two new configurations, where the traffic configuration extends from the vehicles configuration. This means that any dependency added to the vehicles configuration is also available in the traffic configuration. We can also assign a description property to our configuration to provide some more information about the configuration for documentation purposes. The following code shows this:

// Define new configurations for build.
configurations {

  // Define configuration vehicles.
  vehicles {
    description = 'Contains vehicle dependencies'

  traffic {
    extendsFrom vehicles
    description = 'Contains traffic dependencies'


To see which configurations are available in a project, we can execute the dependencies task. This task is available for each Gradle project. The task outputs all the configurations and dependencies of a project. Let's run this task for our current project and check the output:

$ gradle -q dependencies

Root project

traffic - Contains traffic dependencies
No dependencies

vehicles - Contains vehicle dependencies
No dependencies

Note that we can see our two configurations, traffic and vehicles, in the output. We have not defined any dependencies to these configurations, as shown in the output.

The Java plugin adds a couple of configurations to a project, which are used by the tasks from the Java plugin. Let's add the Java plugin to our Gradle build file:

apply plugin: 'java'

To see which configurations are added, we invoke the dependencies task and look at the output:

$ gradle -q dependencies

Root project

archives - Configuration for archive artifacts.
No dependencies

compile - Compile classpath for source set 'main'.
No dependencies

default - Configuration for default artifacts.
No dependencies

runtime - Runtime classpath for source set 'main'.
No dependencies

testCompile - Compile classpath for source set 'test'.
No dependencies

testRuntime - Runtime classpath for source set 'test'.
No dependencies

We see six configurations in our project just by adding the Java plugin. The archives configuration is used to group the artifacts our project creates. The other configurations are used to group the dependencies for our project. In the following table, the dependency configurations are summarized:






These are dependencies to compile.



These are runtime dependencies.



These are extra dependencies to compile tests.


runtime, testCompile

These are extra dependencies to run tests.



These are dependencies used by this project and artifacts created by this project.

Later in the chapter, we will see how we can work with the dependencies assigned to the configurations. In the next section, we will learn how to declare our project's dependencies.

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