Using dynamic versions

Until now, we have set a version for a dependency explicitly with a complete version number. To set a minimum version number, we can use a special dynamic version syntax, for example, to set the dependency version to a minimum of 2.1 for a dependency, we use a version value of 2.1.+. Gradle will resolve the dependency to the latest version after version 2.1.0, or to version 2.1 itself. The upper bound is 2.2. In the following example, we will define a dependency on a spring-context version of at least 4.0.x:

dependencies {
  compile 'org.springframework:spring-context:4.0.+'

To reference the latest released version of a module, we can use latest.integration as the version value. We can also set the minimum and maximum version numbers we want. The following table shows the ranges we can use in Gradle:



[1.0, 2.0]

We can use all versions greater than or equal to 1.0 and lower than or equal to 2.0

[1.0, 2.0[

We can use all versions greater than or equal to 1.0 and lower than 2.0

]1.0, 2.0]

We can use all versions greater than 1.0 and lower than or equal to 2.0

]1.0, 2.0[

We can use all versions greater than 1.0 and lower than 2.0

[1.0, )

We can use all versions greater than or equal to 1.0

]1.0, )

We can use all versions greater than 1.0

(, 2.0]

We can use all versions lower than or equal to 2.0

(, 2.0[

We can use all versions lower than 2.0

In the following example build file, we will set the version for the spring-context module to greater than 4.0.1.RELEASE and lower than 4.0.4.RELEASE:

dependencies {
  // The dependency will resolve to version 4.0.3.RELEASE as
  // the latest version if available. Otherwise 4.0.2.RELEASE
  // or 4.0.1.RELEASE.
  compile 'org.springframework:spring-context:[4.0.1.RELEASE,4.0.4.RELEASE['
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