Chapter 3. Enhanced Inputs and Selects

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Formatted input with inputMask
  • Auto suggestion with autoComplete
  • Usable features of inputTextArea
  • Discovering selectBooleanCheckbox and selectManyCheckbox
  • Choosing a single item with selectOneMenu
  • Basic and advanced calendar scenarios
  • Spinner – different ways to provide input
  • Slider – different ways to provide input
  • Rich text editing with the editor
  • Advanced editing with an in-place editor
  • Enhanced password input
  • Star-based rating input


In this chapter, we will learn how to work with the input and select components available in PrimeFaces. PrimeFaces provides over 25 components for data input, which extend standard corresponding JSF components with skinning capabilities and useful features such as user-friendly interface, validation, and so on.

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