About the Reviewers

Harshit Bakliwal is a Hadoop developer in one of the leading IT companies in India. He has around 6 years of work experience with more than 3 years of big data/Hadoop experience. He started using Hadoop in 2010, when it had just started to find its feet in the tech world and therefore, there wasn't much help online. Since then, he continued learning the language on his own along with other high-level languages, such as Pig, Hive, Sqoop, Oozie, and HBase. As of today, he has experience of handling petabytes of data that is maintained on 4–5 different clusters, each having around 200 nodes.

Dr. Daniel Fasel is the founder and CEO of Scigility Ltd. Scigility provides solutions for large-scale information systems and big data technologies for large Swiss and European companies. Its expert team has strong academic and practical knowledge on big data technologies, with more than 7 years of experience.

Previously, he served as the first data scientist on the business intelligence team at Swisscom, the number one telecommunications provider in Switzerland, and implemented NoSQL technologies for explorative analytics during his time at Swisscom. Before focusing on data science and NoSQL technologies, he was the business intelligence engineer for the contract and customer domain—a core component of the Swisscom data warehouse. He also served as a business intelligence architect and administrator for the Oracle Hyperion Essbase cubes.

He received his PhD in economics from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland. He wrote a thesis on fuzzy data warehousing, for which he obtained the highest final grade, summa cum laude. In addition to his PhD studies, he has worked as a system engineer and team leader of the system administrators at the Department of Informatics at the University of Fribourg. In this role, he installed and maintained distributed computing clusters and NoSQL technologies in 2009—a time before big data was a popular term.

He also publishes books and articles in English and German on a regular basis in the area of big data and data warehousing. An incomplete list of his publications is as follows:

  • Big Data – Grundlagen, Systeme und Nutzungs-potenziale, Andreas Meier and Daniel Fasel, (Hrsg.), Springer
  • Big Data. HMD – Praxis der Wirtschafts- informatik, Andreas Meier and Daniel Fasel, (Hrsg.), Springer
  • Fuzzy Data Warehousing for Performance Measurement, Daniel Fasel, Springer
  • Concept and Implementation of a Fuzzy Data Warehouse, Daniel Fasel
  • Fuzzy Data Warehouse for Performance Analysis, Daniel Fasel and Khurram Shazad
  • A Data Warehouse model for integrating Fuzzy Concepts in meta table structures, Daniel Fasel and Khurram Shazad

Mark Reddy is a software engineer and a distributed systems enthusiast. He has previously held positions at Hewlett-Packard and Avaeon Solutions after graduating with honors from Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Ireland. He is currently working at Boxever, an Irish-based start-up focused on big data and predictive analytics for the travel industry. In his roles, he has designed and implemented large-scale distributed solutions using technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, Cassandra, Zookeeper, Storm, Kafka, and many more; these systems have scaled to billions of events amounting to terabytes of data processed. Using his knowledge and experience, he enjoys contributing to open source projects and speaking publicly at meet-ups on the hot topics in the industry.

When he isn't coding, he is speaking publicly or blogging at http://markreddy.ie/ and he can also be found traveling, keeping fit, and tweeting random thoughts at @markreddy.

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