About the Authors

Rakesh Vidya Chandra has been in the field of software development for the last 3 years. His love for programming first sparked when he was introduced to LOGO in his school. After obtaining his bachelor's degree in Information Technology, he worked with Agiliq Info Solutions and built several web applications using Python. Rakesh is passionate about writing technical blogs on various open source technologies. When not coding, he loves to dance to hip-hop and listens to EDM.

Bala Subrahmanyam Varanasi loves hacking and building web applications. He has a bachelor's degree in Information Technology. He has been in the software industry for the last three and a half years, where he worked with Agiliq Info Solutions and Crypsis Technologies. Bala has also built different web applications using Python, Ruby, and JavaScript. Apart from coding, he is interested in entrepreneurship and is the founder of Firebolt Labs. Currently, he is working as a software engineer at TinyOwl Technology.

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