Running the Spark Standalone cluster on EC2

The easiest way to create a Spark cluster and run our Spark jobs in a truly distributed mode is Amazon EC2 instances. The ec2 folder inside the Spark installation directory wraps all the scripts and libraries that we need to create a cluster. Let's quickly go through the steps that entail the creation of our first distributed cluster.

This recipe assumes that you have a basic understanding of the Amazon EC2 ecosystem, specifically how to spawn a new EC2 instance.

Running the Spark Standalone cluster on EC2

How to do it...

We'll have to ensure that we have the access key and the Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) files for AWS before proceeding with the steps. In fact, we are required to have these before launching any EC2 instance if we intend to log in to the machines.

Creating the AccessKey and pem file

Instructions for creating a key pair and the pem key are available at Anyway, the following are the relevant screenshots.

Select Security Credentials from the user menu, like this:

Creating the AccessKey and pem file

Click on the Users menu and create an access key, as shown in the following screenshot. Download the credentials. We'll be using this to create the EC2 instances for the Spark master and the worker nodes:

Creating the AccessKey and pem file

The key pair can be created from inside the EC2 instances page using the Key Pairs menu, as shown in the next screenshot. Your browser will automatically download the pem file once you create a pair:

Creating the AccessKey and pem file

Once you have the pem file, ensure that the file permission for the pem file is 400. Otherwise, an error message stating that your pem file's permissions are too open will be shown:

chmod 400 spark.pem

Launching and running our Spark application involves the following steps:

  1. Setting the environment variables.
  2. Running the launch script.
  3. Verifying installation.
  4. Making changes to the code.
  5. Transferring the data and job files.
  6. Loading the dataset into HDFS.
  7. Running the job.
  8. Destroying the cluster.

Setting the environment variables

As the first step, let's export the access and the secret access keys as environment variables. The ec2 script for launching our instances will use these commands:


I have also copied the pem file to the spark installation root directory, just to make the launch command shorter (by not specifying the entire path of the pem file), as marked here:

Setting the environment variables

Running the launch script

Now that we have the access key (and the secret key) exported and the pem file in the root folder, let's spawn a new cluster:

cd spark-1.4.1-bin-hadoop2.6

./ec2/spark-ec2 --key-pair=scalada --identity-file=scalada.pem --slaves=2 --instance-type=m3.medium --hadoop-major-version=2 launch scalada-cluster

The parameters, as is clearly evident, represent the following:

  • key-pair: This is the name of the user to whom the access key and the secret access key you exported as environment variables belong.
  • identity-file: This is the location of the pem file.
  • slaves: This is the number of worker nodes.
  • instance-type: This is one of the AWS instance types ( M3 medium has one core and 3.75 GB in memory.
  • hadoop-major-version: This is the version of Hadoop that we want Spark to be bundled with. The spark version itself is derived from our local installation (which is 1.4.1).

We can also confirm this from the EC2 console, as shown in the following screenshot:

Running the launch script

Verifying installation

Let's log in to the Master to see the services that are running on each node:

ssh -i scalada.pem [email protected]

Doing a jps on the master node shows that the Spark Master, the HDFS name node, and the Secondary name node are running on the Spark master node, as depicted in this screenshot:

Verifying installation

Similarly, on the worker nodes, we see that the Spark Worker and the HDFS data nodes are running, as follows:

Verifying installation

Making changes to the code

There is a small change that is required in our code in order to make it run on this cluster—the location of the dataset in HDFS. This, however, is not the recommended way of doing it, and the URL should be sourced from an external configuration file:

 val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("BinaryClassificationSpamEc2")
  val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
  val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)

  val docs = sc.textFile("hdfs://").map(line => {
    val words = line.split("	")
    Document(words.head.trim(), words.tail.mkString(" "))

Transferring the data and job files

As the next step, let's copy the dataset and the assembly JAR to the master node for execution from the directory where you have the pem file:

scp -i scalada.pem <REPO_DIR>/chapter5-learning/SMSSpamCollection [email protected]:~/.

scp -i scalada.pem  <REPO_DIR>/chapter6-scalingup/target/scala-2.10/scalada-learning-assembly.jar [email protected]:~/.

An ls on the home folder of the master confirms this, as shown in the following screenshot:

Transferring the data and job files

Loading the dataset into HDFS

Now that we have uploaded our dataset to the master's local folder, let's push it to HDFS. As we saw earlier when we verified the installation, the Spark EC2 script creates and runs an HDFS cluster for us. Let's go to the ephemeral-hdfs folder in the root and format the filesystem. Note that the files in this HDFS, as the name indicates, will be wiped off upon restarting the cluster. Ideally, we should be installing a separate HDFS cluster on these nodes instead of depending on the ephemeral installation that was created by the Spark EC2 script.

Just as in our previous recipe, let's push the SMSSpamCollection dataset into the /scalada folder in HDFS:

root@ip-10-150-76-158 ephemeral-hdfs] $ ./bin/hdfs namenode -format
root@ip-10-150-76-158 ephemeral-hdfs] $ ./bin/hadoop fs -mkdir /scalada
root@ip-10-150-76-158 ephemeral-hdfs] $ ./bin/hadoop fs -put ../SMSSpamCollection /scalada/

root@ip-10-150-76-158 ephemeral-hdfs]$ ./bin/hadoop fs -ls /scalada
Found 1 items
-rw-r--r--   3 root supergroup     477907 2015-08-08 05:24 /scalada/SMSSpamCollection

Running the job

As with the previous recipe, we'll use the spark-submit script to submit the job to the cluster. Let's enter the spark home directory (/root/spark) and execute the following lines:

  --class com.packt.scalada.learning.BinaryClassificationSpamEc2 
  --master spark:// 
  --executor-memory 2G 
  --total-executor-cores 2 

We can see that the job runs on both worker nodes of the cluster, as shown in this screenshot:

Running the job

We can also see the various stages of this Job from the Stages tab, as shown in the following screenshot:

Running the job

Not surprisingly, the accuracy measure is approximately the same, except that now we can use this cluster to handle much bigger data.

Running the job

Destroying the cluster

Finally, if you would like to destroy the cluster, you can use the same ec2 script with the destroy action. From your local Spark installation directory, execute this line:

./ec2/spark-ec2 destroy scalada-cluster
Destroying the cluster
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