Left anti join

Left anti join results in rows from only statesPopulationDF if, and only if, there is NO corresponding row in statesTaxRatesDF.

Join the two datasets by the State column as follows:

val joinDF = statesPopulationDF.join(statesTaxRatesDF, statesPopulationDF("State") === statesTaxRatesDF("State"), "leftanti")

val joinDF = spark.sql("SELECT * FROM statesPopulationDF LEFT ANTI JOIN statesTaxRatesDF ON statesPopulationDF.State = statesTaxRatesDF.State")

scala> joinDF.count
res22: Long = 28

scala> joinDF.show(5)
| State|Year|Population|
| Alaska|2010| 714031|
|Delaware|2010| 899816|
| Montana|2010| 990641|
| Oregon|2010| 3838048|
| Alaska|2011| 722713|
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