Topic modeling using LDA

LDA is a topic model, which infers topics from a collection of text documents. LDA can be thought of as an unsupervised clustering algorithm as follows:

  • Topics correspond to cluster centers and documents correspond to rows in a dataset
  • Topics and documents both exist in a feature space, where feature vectors are vectors of word counts
  • Rather than estimating a clustering using a traditional distance, LDA uses a function based on a statistical model of how text documents are generated

In order to invoke LDA, you need to import the package:


Step 1. First, you need to initialize an LDA model setting 10 topics and 10 iterations of clustering:

scala> val lda = new LDA().setK(10).setMaxIter(10)
lda: = lda_18f248b08480

Step 2. Next invoking the fit() function on the input dataset yields an output transformer:

scala> val ldaModel =
ldaModel: = lda_18f248b08480

Step 3. Extract logLikelihood, which calculates a lower bound on the provided documents given the inferred topic:

scala> val ll = ldaModel.logLikelihood(countVectorizerDF)
ll: Double = -275.3298948279124

Step 4. Extract logPerplexity, which calculates an upper bound on the perplexity of the provided documents given the inferred topics:

scala> val lp = ldaModel.logPerplexity(countVectorizerDF)
lp: Double = 12.512670220189033

Step 5. Now, we can use describeTopics() to get the topics generated by LDA:

scala> val topics = ldaModel.describeTopics(10)
topics: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [topic: int, termIndices: array<int> ... 1 more field]

Step 6. The following is the output dataset showing the topic, termIndices, and termWeights computed by LDA model:

scala>, false)
|topic|termIndices |termWeights |
|0 |[2, 5, 7, 12, 17, 9, 13, 16, 4, 11] |[0.06403877783050851, 0.0638177222807826, 0.06296749987731722, 0.06129482302538905, 0.05906095287220612, 0.0583855194291998, 0.05794181263149175, 0.057342702589298085, 0.05638654243412251, 0.05601913313272188] |
|1 |[15, 5, 13, 8, 1, 6, 9, 16, 2, 14] |[0.06889315890755099, 0.06415969116685549, 0.058990446579892136, 0.05840283223031986, 0.05676844625413551, 0.0566842803396241, 0.05633554021408156, 0.05580861561950114, 0.055116582320533423, 0.05471754535803045] |
|2 |[17, 14, 1, 5, 12, 2, 4, 8, 11, 16] |[0.06230542516700517, 0.06207673834677118, 0.06089143673912089, 0.060721809302399316, 0.06020894045877178, 0.05953822260375286, 0.05897033457363252, 0.057504989644756616, 0.05586725037894327, 0.05562088924566989] |
|3 |[15, 2, 11, 16, 1, 7, 17, 8, 10, 3] |[0.06995373276880751, 0.06249041124300946, 0.061960612781077645, 0.05879695651399876, 0.05816564815895558, 0.05798721645705949, 0.05724374708387087, 0.056034215734402475, 0.05474217418082123, 0.05443850583761207] |
|4 |[16, 9, 5, 7, 1, 12, 14, 10, 13, 4] |[0.06739359010780331, 0.06716438619386095, 0.06391509491709904, 0.062049068666162915, 0.06050715515506004, 0.05925113958472128, 0.057946856127790804, 0.05594837087703049, 0.055000929117413805, 0.053537418286233956]|
|5 |[5, 15, 6, 17, 7, 8, 16, 11, 10, 2] |[0.061611492476326836, 0.06131944264846151, 0.06092975441932787, 0.059812552365763404, 0.05959889552537741, 0.05929123338151455, 0.05899808901872648, 0.05892061664356089, 0.05706951425713708, 0.05636134431063274] |
|6 |[15, 0, 4, 14, 2, 10, 13, 7, 6, 8] |[0.06669864676186414, 0.0613859230159798, 0.05902091745149218, 0.058507882633921676, 0.058373998449322555, 0.05740944364508325, 0.057039150886628136, 0.057021822698594314, 0.05677330199892444, 0.056741558062814376]|
|7 |[12, 9, 8, 15, 16, 4, 7, 13, 17, 10]|[0.06770789917351365, 0.06320078344027158, 0.06225712567900613, 0.058773135159638154, 0.05832535181576588, 0.057727684814461444, 0.056683575112703555, 0.05651178333610803, 0.056202395617563274, 0.05538103218174723]|
|8 |[14, 11, 10, 7, 12, 9, 13, 16, 5, 1]|[0.06757347958335463, 0.06362319365053591, 0.063359294927315, 0.06319462709331332, 0.05969320243218982, 0.058380063437908046, 0.057412693576813126, 0.056710451222381435, 0.056254581639201336, 0.054737785085167814] |
|9 |[3, 16, 5, 7, 0, 2, 10, 15, 1, 13] |[0.06603941595604573, 0.06312775362528278, 0.06248795574460503, 0.06240547032037694, 0.0613859713404773, 0.06017781222489122, 0.05945655694365531, 0.05910351349013983, 0.05751269894725456, 0.05605239791764803] |

The diagram of an LDA is as follows, which shows the topics created from the features of TF-IDF:

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