
Structuring code in a sane way, with classes and traits, enhances the reusability of your code with generics, and creates a project with standard and widespread tools. Improve on the basics to know how Scala implements the OO paradigm to allow the building of modular software systems. In this chapter, we discussed the basic object-oriented features in Scala, such as classes and objects, packages and package objects, traits, and trait linearization, Java interoperability, pattern matching, implicit, and generics. Finally, we discussed SBT and other build systems that will be needed to build our Spark application on Eclipse or any other IDEs.

In the next chapter, we will discuss what functional programming is and how Scala supports it. We will get to know why it matters and what the advantages of using functional concepts are. Continuing, you will learn pure functions, higher-order functions, Scala collections basics (map, flatMap, filter), for - comprehensions, monadic processing, and for extending higher-order functions outside of collections using the standard library of Scala.

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