Game servers

The game server is primarily responsible for connecting all the players to the same game world and keeping the communication going between them. However as you will soon realize, there may be cases where you will want the server to be more sophisticated than a routing application. For example, just because one of the players is telling the server to inform the other participants that the game is over, and the player sending the message is the winner, we may still want to confirm the information before deciding that the game is in fact over.

With this idea in mind, we can label the game server as being of one of the two kinds: authoritative or non-authoritative. In an authoritative game server, the game's logic is actually running in memory (although it normally doesn't render any graphical output like the game clients certainly will) all the time. As each client reports the information to the server by sending messages through its corresponding socket, the server updates the current game state and sends the updates back to all of the players, including the original sender. This way we can be more certain that any data coming from the server has been verified and is accurate.

In a non-authoritative server, the clients take on a much more involved part in the game logic enforcement, which gives the client a lot more trust. As suggested previously, what we can do is take the best of both worlds and create a mix of both the techniques. What we will do in this book is have a strictly authoritative server, but clients that are smart and can do some of the work on their own. Since the server has the ultimate say in the game, however, any messages received by clients from the server are considered as the ultimate truth and supersede any conclusions it came to on its own.

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