Implementing a parser

Parser analyzes a code syntactically according to the rules of the language's grammar. The parsing phase determines if the input code can be used to form a string of tokens according to the defined grammar. A parse tree is constructed in this phase. Parser defines functions to organize language into a data structure called AST. The parser defined in this recipe uses a recursive decent parser technique which is a top-down parser, and uses mutually recursive functions to build the AST.

Getting ready

We must have the custom-defined language, that is the TOY language in this case, and also a stream of tokens generated by the lexer.

How to do it…

Define some basic value holders in our TOY parser as shown in the following:

  1. Open the toy.cpp file as follows:
    $ vi toy.cpp
  2. Define a global static variable to hold the current token from the lexer as follows:
    static int Current_token;
  3. Define a function to get the next token from the input stream from the lexer as follows:
    static void next_token() {
      Current_token =  get_token();
  4. The next step is to define functions for expression parsing by using the AST data structure defined in the previous section.
  5. Define a generic function to call specific parsing functions according to the types of tokens determined by the lexer, as shown in the following:
    static BaseAST* Base_Parser() {
      switch (Current_token) {
        default: return 0;
        case IDENTIFIER_TOKEN : return identifier_parser();
        case NUMERIC_TOKEN : return numeric_parser();
        case '(' : return paran_parser();

How it works…

The stream of input is tokenized and fed to the parser. Current_token holds the token to be processed. The type of token is known at this stage and the corresponding parser functions are called to initialize ASTs.

See also

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