Chapter 3. Troubleshooting Functionality

You get a call in the middle of the night. "Our website isn't working," your boss yells. In seconds, you are wide awake and trying to remember "what exactly did we change yesterday?"—this is a very natural reaction for every system administrator on this planet.

Have you ever been in such a situation? This is a stress test for each young sysadmin, and we hope you have had this earlier in your career rather than later because it is a teaching experience. Fortunately, websites usually malfunction when they are mostly loaded and this happens during the late morning or early evening hours—if you are lucky to live in roughly the same time zone as your target audience. For example, this is a traffic graph for a big website in Russia, which is a country very centered around its two capitals, and those cities are both in UTC+03 time zone as of 2016:

Troubleshooting Functionality

As you can see, the real traffic comes in the morning, has a peak in the evening, and falls sharply as people go to bed.

This chapter will cover the following topics:

  • A process to use when working on such an incident, far from perfect but very workable
  • A description of some of the most shameful failures
  • A brief section on how to restart Nginx
  • More information about some ways you may save the day with Nginx

Processing a complain

Let us call any expressed case of unexpected behavior a complain. The term is vague enough not to imply that it is always a problem or an error, which was introduced during development and needs to be fixed. Working on a complain starts with investigation. The only thing that you know from the beginning is that something on your website does not work for someone. The incidents raised as a result of automatic monitoring systems are a separate case.

Surprisingly, people in general are rarely capable of answering the question of "What exactly does not work for you?" Some of them get confused or even angry. While you must always ask this, do not get high hopes. Let us analyze some of the possible answers from the most popular to less so:

  • "Nothing!"
  • "I load the page, I click there and there, order a book, get to my shopping cart, initiate payment, get confirmation and on the last step there a security warning about some sort of certificate which expired yesterday"

Most of the time, the burden of determining how exactly the problem manifests itself is on you. You need to get your priorities right and act quickly.

This chapter presents you with a series of steps to perform when all you have is a report of your website not working. The list is not flat; there are branches here and there, which you must follow. At the same time, we recommend reading all the steps as this will help you grasp the general procedure better. You may also use the steps during an incident. In that case, you will start at the very beginning and then choose the appropriate next step while skipping the irrelevant. For many of the readers, a description of this format as similar to a very simple finite-state machine may be helpful.

You will move from one state to another by interpreting additional signals and hope to arrive to the finish. This is a three-level scheme of a simple troubleshooting process that we prefer. Each of the boxes will be explained later:

Processing a complain

Rolling back

We need to provide a very important sidenote here. A step zero, if you want, is always trying to bring the system into a working state by removing recent changes. Websites are software that is infinitely more dynamic than anything we had before. If you deploy weekly, you are actually slower than many of your competitors. So when something happens, the probability of a recent set of changes being the culprit is very high.

It is very important to always hold dearly to the main goal of all your actions during such an event; you are searching for a workaround that will allow the business to go on. You need to bring the operations back as soon as possible and only after that you should start searching for the root cause and inventing a strategy of dealing with it once and for all. One of the great sins of young system administrators, especially with developer background, is premature debugging, which I define as spending resources (even if it is just your mental resources and not company money) on the fix without first implementing a quick and dirty workaround.

One of the easiest ways to work around a new problem is to roll back your software to a previous, working version. Organizations that have a good discipline of change control may even choose to roll back on any failure whether it is caused internally or externally. The hardest part is usually on the application server side of things and you, as being responsible for the stability of the service, may require your development team to implement comprehensive rolling back capabilities. There are several things that you may do yourself on the Nginx level though.

Keeping Nginx configuration under source control

Nginx configuration files are all plain text written in a simple line and block-oriented language. This combination is as perfect for diffing and merging as any "real source code document." So please, do invest into setting up a source code repository for your Nginx configuration. It absolutely does not matter if you choose the good old Subversion or the modern workhorse Git or even the squeaky in the joints but still functional CVS. Any of those will save your sanity many times in comparison with a system without any source control system. The next step from having just a central repo is automating the whole deployment. That bit is a little out of the scope of this book, but inquisitive readers should definitely get interested in modern automation tools, such as Chef, RX or Ansible, once they have more than five servers in their zone of responsibility.

Having access to all the previous versions of your config files alone is a wonderful thing that will greatly ease the rolling back process. Any sane source control system allows you to tag specific revisions, to check out based on timestamp or to create moving branches. A very quick way to enhance a working server with this source control magic is a tool named etckeepe r (see It will automatically record all the changes you make to /etc and therefore allow you to jump to the past in case of trouble. It will also regularly mail the diffs to the administrator of the server. It may seem a little bit too automatic for a server, but it is a good start.

This is a simple command that you may issue in an etckeeper-controlled /etc folder to quickly revert some changes in /etc/nginx:

% sudo git checkout 'master@{11 minute ago}' nginx

Keeping a case journal

A highly recommended piece of best practice when investigating a website malfunction is to keep a log or journal of ideas to implement afterwards. This will leave you with a list of things to require from yourself and your colleagues in the development and management departments to prevent any new cases of this particular problem. This is why we will mark each step with things to write down into such a journal. You should dump any crazy or trivial ideas into this journal so that you could free your mind for the urgent task at hand. Even if you reject most of the ideas afterwards, keeping this journal will help you during the process.

So, without further ado, let's start.

Again, what we have is a just vague complaint about a website you are responsible for. Someone said that it was not working.

Performing the simplest test

Load the page yourself. This is not the most effective step, but you will do that anyway, won't you? It is a natural reflex—the important part is not to come to any premature conclusions. If it does not load, you should start with checking your internet connection. See the later text.

If the page works for you, you will feel a false relief. Actually, your problem potentially just got harder. The website works for some people (in this case, it works for you) but may not work for everyone. See the HTTP response traffic section here.

By the way, you may sometimes have the answer right here. For example, you will immediately see expired SSL certificates. See also Certificate test.

Performing the Internet connection test

Check that your own internet connection is okay by trying to load a reference web page, for example,

Why is this a separate test at all? Shouldn't we also talk about electricity or clean air then? Two reasons: if you are a small company in a rented office space even in the most advanced countries of the world, chances are that you will get two–three incidents of ISP failure a year. Also, we need a smooth transition to talk about backup connection kits for sysadmins.


Journal: Have a permanent indication of your own connection to the Internet working. Curiously, many people use the Dropbox icon in the tray for that. While this is a cute lifehack, please implement something more professional, office-wide and/or for your workstation.

You need to have a backup Internet connection for the rare case of your main connection failure. Nowadays, it is usually a mobile phone with a tethering setup. Fire it up and redo the tests. It is surprisingly unpopular to have a backup connection ready, and we would like to say a few words about it. Traditionally, backups are storage. Your office administrators will mirror the disks; you yourself have a loyal trusted Time Machine setup at home for your kids' photographs and documents. But in this day and age, with all applications moved or moving to the cloud, storage backup systems lose their importance. You won't built anything remotely comparable with what Dropbox has (with the help of Amazon Web Services) yourself. Scale effects buy additional redundancy and talent. But at the same time, the importance of your connection rises.

A modern Chromebook is a fast and cheap workhorse machine right until the WiFi vanishes because the access point power supply brick got scorched or something. Modern IT people feel less pressure with the storage backup and should use the freed resources to ensure connection backups instead. Think about your options and invest in an alternative way to bring back your office online maybe even with less bandwidth. You will be happy when this system helps you. And think of it exactly as you did about your storage backups; these are risk aversion systems. They are not required to ever be used, not even once to still be considered a successful investment.


Journal: 1) Implement backup uplink for your office. 2) Equip all your system administrators (for example, yourself) with remote administration kits. The recommended way is to provide them with separate devices (either wireless 3G/LTE dongles or smartphones with preconfigured tethering) and prepaid data plans. Do not rely on their main phones because those tend to have problems with charge and traffic during the most important moments, whereas a separate company-provided device may be required to be fully charged by rules when the person is on duty.

Testing the general HTTP response traffic

Look at your general HTTP monitoring graph or at least tail -f the access log. This is the most informative way of knowing what the effects of the incident are, if they exist. You have to have the infrastructure in place, and we will explain a way of establishing one in Chapter 6, Monitoring Nginx. The general HTTP graph will contain a chart of how many HTTP response codes your site generated each minute. You are most interested in the level of 200 responses. There are several possibilities, as follows:

  • The number of 200 responses dropped to zero or you cannot reach your monitoring.
  • The number of 200 responses dropped to a lower level but above zero. Both of these indicate ongoing damage to business with a high level of probability. We will discuss them properly later (see the No traffic and Lower traffic cases) right after we deal with the more easy case.
  • You have roughly the same level of 200 responses as you do usually at this time this day of the week.

This is a good place to be. Your website is likely serving your visitors in the same way it did. This is the time when you have to involve people from development because right now, these are the ways that the website may still not do what is expected.


Journal: Implement this type of general HTTP monitoring—an area chart of four colors for 200, 3xx, 4xx, and 5xx HTTP responses as per the Nginx access logs with 1-minute granularity and a number of alert thresholds.

Detecting a lying application

The application behind Nginx does not actually work but still generates responses with HTTP 200 Ok code. This is a major crime.

Good websites never show internal error messages to users. There is no need to scare people with unnecessary details, and this would never even be discussed if sometimes websites would not go too far by hiding HTTP response codes too. There is nothing to stop anyone from responding with 200 Ok in all cases and indicating error condition only in the content part of the response. This way is "machine-unreadable" for many practical purposes. All the bots and crawlers will not consider such an error to be an error. Your monitoring software will also need special processing to distinguish these cases.

See examples for the famous 404 Not Found error:

% curl -sLI | fgrep HTTP/
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

% curl -sLI | fgrep HTTP/
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Unfortunately, this situation means that you still have not found the problem, you only have found that you lack an easy way to find it.


Journal: Create issues in your bug tracker for all cases of not reporting errors with an HTTP response code. Developers should fix those.

The developers should be working shoulder to shoulder with you now. Although they are scouting the inner workings of their application code, which is happily generating error messages by the numbers without a single 4xx/5xx HTTP response code, you could provide some help by searching for the URLs that started to emit a wildly different amount of traffic. Do you remember the script that we wrote together in the Logging Chapter? If you have response size in your logs, with some modifications, it will find lines that contain a number too far away from the average.


Journal: The top class of monitoring systems applies the theory of disorder detection.

There are ways to automatically trigger events on sudden unexpected changes in a random process (and a stream of numbers that you monitor is such a process). Another keyword for you to search for is "anomaly detection." All the systems that we have met were proprietary, developed in-house to the needs of very large Internet companies. There are some commercial offerings in this space, for example, Splunk. You might actually have a go at this type of monitoring without returning to school for another degree by monitoring the first derivative of the 200 HTTP response number and triggering events on a level of the derivative that is beyond a certain threshold. Because the first derivative is an indicator of change, high values will correspond to sharp spikes up or down.

Working around an integration failure

Your website implements part of its functionality by transparently integrating another service, which is having an incident.

This is a situation when someone else entirely is at fault. Examples of such configuration include using external commenting systems, advertisement placement systems, statistics and/or tracking software. Your job here is to try switching off unessential external components. Because this will require removing pieces of application code (even if it is a simple HTML block in a number of static pages), we cannot provide you with any specific details. You also should thoroughly document which services are blocking your operation.


Journal: 1) Implement monitoring of external services. 2) Invent a plan of graceful degradation and implement it. 3) Require asynchronous client-side inclusions.

Graceful degradation is an interesting concept of having a special mode of operation for the times when an unessential part of your website (external or not) does not work. For many businesses going into full read-only mode may be graceful enough. Not being able to place an order is certainly much more desirable for an electronic bookstore than not responding at all and thus losing credibility in the eyes of all search engines, which will happily ditch your sites from their search results immediately.

Planning for graceful degradation should start early in the design process. That is a topic for a whole separate book or two, of course. At these stages, you should at the very least regularly annoy development about it and do as much as possible yourself.

Some other examples of degradation that may be implemented as extreme measures to live through some rough periods are:

  • Removing a full-text search functionality for a while. This is usually a CPU-intensive and disk-intensive operation used by a single-digit percentage of your visitors.
  • Hiding social functions such as commenting and sharing.

Shouldn't we strive to build a system that does not need chopping one of its legs off from time to time? Of course we should. But costs may be prohibitively high. You cannot plan to work flawlessly under Distributed Denial of Service attack from a malicious competitor if you are a start-up. This would just cost you too much.

Nginx has several tricks up its sleeve to work around external failures.

The try_files directive

This directive provides a way to quickly serve a local file instead of performing an upstream request. It is important enough to be presented here. The general format is:

try_files file1 file2 … uri;

Almost always, try_files is used inside a location block that forms a context specifying which requests should be processed from local files. The idea may be illustrated by this example:

location /get-recommendations {
  try_files static-recs.html empty.html @recommender_engine; 
location @recommender_engine {
  proxy_pass http://ml-fuzzy-bigdata-pipeline/compute-personal-recommendations?for=$user;

What we have here is a separate system that uses some buzzword-compliant recommendation generation technology to provide your website visitors with some personalized product offers. These tend to be fragile, and try_files protects us by specifying a fallback static HTML file. The order of processing might confuse some people. First, the static files are tried from left to right. Once an existing file is found, it is used to form the response and the remaining files and named URI block are not used.

Normally, those static files do not exist on the filesystem at all. They get created by the monitoring system (or people) in case of emergency. After you or your colleagues carefully raise the heavy external component from the dead, you remove the static file and Nginx starts to issue actual queries to the upstream.

Setting up automatic removal from upstream

Another mechanism provided by Nginx that may help you in these situations is the glorious upstream module. This is a whole subsystem that augments the venerable proxy_pass directive with a lot of failover options. The idea is that instead of good old URLs pointing to external sources of data to use to generate responses for client requests, you point to a composite object configured via upstream block directive. This block is useful together with its contents only, so let me start with an example:

upstream ml-backend {
  server unix:/var/run/mld.sock backup;

And then later on:

location @recommender_engine {
  proxy_pass http://ml-backend/compute;

Upstreams defined with the upstream directives may be used in all the following five client (request-making) modules of Nginx: proxy, fastcgi, uwsgi, scgi, and memcached. They all share similar-looking directives to set up external resources to use while serving requests from actual clients. The main directive is always *_pass, and it is exactly what we use for the example.

What this block does is combine a group of servers into an object with some embedded group behavior. First, there is rotation. When a *_pass directive is used to process a request by passing to such an upstream object, the actual server is chosen from all the configured alternatives.


The algorithm to choose the server is not random. The servers are sequenced in a round-robin fashion. You may also provide relative weights of each server inside one group. For simplicity, it is convenient to think that the choice is random. In the long run, the probability of each variant for weighted round robin will be roughly equal to the corresponding probability of the same variant for the weighted random distribution.

The interesting bit of logic that upstream contains is removing failed servers from the pool of available choices. This logic is controlled by a number of parameters:


This is a number of failed attempts needed for this particular server to become "failed" and be removed from rotation. These failures must happen during a fixed period of time specified in the next parameter.


This variable is used for two distinct purposes. First, it specifies the length of the period to count failed attempts. Second, it is also used actively as a time for which the failed server stays failed without reconsideration. One might have some problems with reusing the same value, but things are how they are.


This is a binary or Boolean parameter. When it exists, the marked server is only chosen when all the other, non-backup servers are marked as failed.

You probably already know the way to use the described upstream functionality to implement failover for external services that you invoke on the server side. The example on the previous page demonstrates exactly that. The named location @recommender_engine is an HTTP proxy tunneling the requests to a group of three servers, two of which look very similar and probably are just copies of each other for the sake of balancing. The third one is a local server listening on a UNIX domain socket. This might be a simpler application not providing any actual recommendation and not having any buzzwords inside, just serving some static data. You might even proxy to the very same instance of Nginx you are writing the configuration file for!

Configuring the good old SSI

Server-Side Includes (SSI) is an old technology of very simple dynamic generation of HTTP responses totally inside the web server software, Nginx in your case. Nginx SSI is a descendant of the old Apache SSI with some useful features. SSI syntax and the mode of operation are well documented at In short, it is a way to paste pieces of data into your HTTP responses from inside Nginx in a fast, efficient, and controllable manner. You may use it instead of implementing this functionality in your application code with some HTTP client library. Nginx will asynchronously fetch a URL with all the proper timeouts and gracefully fail to a default block if the remote side is slow or dead.

Asynchronous inclusion is a pretty standard modern way of embedding active resources (read: scripts) in a web page in a way that allows browser to never block waiting for these scripts to be fetched and executed. It is a job of a frontend engineer to make sure that anything included is working asynchronously. You may be of help by providing "annoyance" and also a testing stand where the entire Internet is blackholed except your site. By the word blackholing here, I mean a specific method of dropping packets in the firewall that will make connections not be refused but hang and wait for timeout on the client side.

There were several incidents when a popular Internet counter failure slowed down a significant number of independent websites. There is no excuse to include counters synchronously.

Both the cases of a Lying application and Integration failure will also eventually lead to lower levels of 200 responses because people will stop using a website that technically works but does not serve their needs.


Journal: Implement proper escalation procedures. At all times, you should know whom to call if one of the hosts mentioned in one of your upstream blocks inside the Nginx configuration is misbehaving.

Planning for more complete monitoring

Many big modern websites consist of not only hundreds of hosts but hundreds of clusters of hosts. Each of those clusters performs a specific role in the whole grand scheme of things, whereas individual servers serve the requests providing load balancing and high availability. The role of the entry point to such a cluster is often delegated to a couple of Nginx boxes with a hardware-based load balancer in front of them.

Each of those may fail. To work around a part of your own externally facing infrastructure failure, you first find it by looking manually at a waterfall of the page load provided by a modern browser and then either switching the blocking part off or quickly fixing it.


Journal: Establish a process where you never open a group of web servers to the outside without having a general HTTP monitoring of the type described above for those particular servers. Also, consider all unmonitored servers as "critical" bugs requiring fixing right after all the "blocking" problems go away and before anything else.

Processing a situation of no traffic

You probably don't serve your users at all. This is the worst scenario for your business. All your efforts should be not on fixing the problem but on working around it. You will debug and fix the problem the right way later, but now you need to throw everything at bringing the service back up.

One very useful practice in such a situation is to put one of the malfunctioning servers on ice, that is, removing it from production but leaving it alone for the sake of preserving the erroneous state intact. A full disk, a busy waiting process hogging the CPU—let the machine keep doing that until you have enough time for actual thorough debugging. It is only natural to try cleaning up right away, but you may destroy the vital evidence by removing a single core dump or a seemingly archived log. We know that it would be hard to be vaguer than that, but the specifics require knowing your exact configuration and the details of the trouble you are facing. Sometimes, it is enough to remove an IP address from an upstream block in nginx.conf.

Returning to our example with a heavy backend machine-learning cluster:

upstream ml-backend {
  server unix:/var/run/mld.sock backup;

Removing machine-learning1 from the block and leaving it alone will make further investigations possible after you bring the second host up and start serving users.

First, you check the connectivity to the actual Nginx servers. You run a ping command, leave it in the background for a minute to see the packet loss, and immediately try connecting to the 80 port via a Telnet program. If you see ping bailing out with:

ping: unknown host

... you have likely found the problem.

Your domain expired. This is the most stupid problem to have. People get fired for that. But this still happens a lot which is insane. One of the popular scenarios for smaller shops is when the owner of the business wants to keep ultimate control of the property in their own hands and keeps the credentials to the domain registrar to themselves but does not have time and resources to actually react to all those renewal reminder e-mails. This sounds unprofessional, but it happens frequently.

Currently, you have to demand those credentials or demand that they log in and immediately pay the registrar to keep the domains delegated.


Journal: Have separate monitoring for all the domains your business uses. There are online tools that will check the expiration regularly; you will find them in abundance. There are also plugins for popular monitoring packages such as Nagios.

Processing a situation of no traffic

Other bad signs are: ping is hanging, and packet loss is way above zero. This is the time you call your hosting provider support while simultaneously trying to ping from another location. You should have a server or two in a completely different data center from your main operation, so you just ssh to one of them and ping your website from there.

This is a case of some severe packet loss happening between me and Twitter's service. Most of the time, it is a sign of problems on your side, not theirs. But rare things happen, and you should be ready for that:

Processing a situation of no traffic

If ping cannot reach your server from there either, start rebooting your servers.

You should have a way to reboot an otherwise unreachable server; every modern hosting provider has it, whether in the form of a simple menu item Reboot, such as in Amazon EC2 or a whole Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) console access.

Processing a situation of no traffic

Reboot helps surprisingly often. It may also destroy evidence (for example, if you have a "run-away" process hung on a rare bug that will be killed on reboot), but being online is still more valuable.

If you cannot reboot or it didn't help, you should be talking to your hosting provider already. They may have some kind of connectivity trouble. Otherwise, you might be a victim of DDoS, and your hoster has already initiated its anti-DDoS measures.


Journal: Make sure that you have a quick way to reboot any of your servers remotely. Gone are the days when such a request required an engineer to go looking for your hardware in the racks. What is important is having the startup sequences right. Usually, Nginx boxes are stateless (or have only discardable state like cache) and come back themselves, but please test them often. It is sometimes too easy to make a live configuration change without saving it.

You haven't yet found your problem if the server is reachable and your telnet to the 80 port shows the following output:

Processing a situation of no traffic

Nginx is working, but because it is your application that is usually behind Nginx that carries the logic of the business, your website is useless. This is where you switch hats; now you need to bring up the upstream.

There are several ways in which Nginx connects to the upstream application. It may be a rather simple HTTP proxy. This is what historically is called the "reverse proxy" or "web accelerator" mode. It may also use FastCGI or other technology stack-specific protocols, such as WSGI or PSGI.

The HTTP mode is easier to debug, and you should recommend it to your developers although in the end it is their decision which interface to use. Nginx equally supports all of them.

Finding a problem in your application code is also beyond the scope of our book. You may have a database failure or an actual software bug. What you may do now, besides engaging developers, is provide your visitors with a nice humble static page explaining that you have temporary technical problems. A simple way to redirect all requests to a single location is this:

server {
    redirect 302;

This will return a specially crafted HTTP response to all requests. The response will have 302 status code (which is the closest to "temporary redirect") and a Location: header with the value you provide.

If telnet gives you

telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused

or hangs on the phase "Trying 392.1.2.3..." then read on.



1) Make sure that you have a way to check connectivity from an external location. 2) Probably move to another hosting provider. 3) Plan a meeting about having a failover scenario for network failure; yes, you can spread out to another data center, but this is a very interesting topic reaching way beyond of the scope of this book.

We are now on one of those steps where hopes are high. Nginx rarely crashes, but no response on the 80 port may be a sign of a crash. Try logging in to the server with ssh. If you fail for whatever reason, reboot your servers and start from there. See information about rebooting the earlier.

Once you are done with it, immediately restart Nginx. The exact commands will depend on the type of OS you use.

On FreeBSD, this is as simple as the following:

% sudo /usr/local/etc/rc.d/nginx restart

On Debian-based Linux distributions, it is either:

% sudo service nginx restart

...for Debian 8.0 and higher or:

% sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart

Restarting a daemon serving network requests is an important operation. Although this particular failure usually means that it does not serve anything right now, we would like to use the occasion to describe how Nginx authors solved the problem of restarts.

Restarting Nginx properly

There are several modes of restart operation that Nginx implements and the administrator is able to control which method is used by sending different signals to the Nginx master process. Remember that you send signals with the kill command. Nginx operates as a flock of processes, and the ones that are processing the requests are the worker processes. We will delve deeper into this in the next chapter. You almost never need to signal the worker processes. Instead, you send signals to the master process, which in turn organizes the shutdown and restart of all the worker processes.

These are the signals that initiate different restart modes:




This is the hangup signal. After receiving this signal, Nginx will perform the so-called graceful restart, that is, it will restart without any downtime. There won't be a single HTTP request that went unserved or interrupted. The idea behind this mode is to start new worker processes for new requests while waiting for the old workers to finish processing of older requests and then remove them.


This custom user signal allows you to completely change the binary of Nginx. This means full restart including even the master processes. There would be a moment when two masters are running with one of them "handing the job over" to the other. This mode is needed when you built a newer Nginx with some patches.

After a restart, you may have two basic outcomes. First, you see that Nginx has successfully restarted. Check that connections to the port 80 can be opened. You may have just fixed the problem. If not, your Nginx may have crashed again. Your next steps involve the careful reading of the error logs of Nginx itself and also system logs of the operating system (usually, /var/log/messages). This is probably the most unpleasant moment in the whole investigation process. We have to leave this entirely to you unfortunately. We are in the realm of debugging a crash of a very stable piece of software, which means that you have some very unusual, unexpected situation that requires a custom solution. See the Chapter 2, Logging in to Nginx for more insights.

Do you remember rolling back? Try to roll back the entire configuration of the server. Try downgrading software and kernel.


Journal: Implement high-availability measures on the level before Nginx. This is a step deeper into network configuration, but you will need this sooner or later. Read about carp, Cisco IP balancing or maybe switch to a cloud provider such as Amazon and use their own solutions. You need a way to switch a misbehaving Nginx instance off while replacing it with a working clone on the same IP address.

Second, you may see an error message about a problem during the start process. If Nginx does not start, it will always report the reason for that—be it a simple error in configuration files or something more serious. This happens very often, which is surprising. An overconfident young sysadmin makes a change to nginx.conf and then neither commits it to a VCS, nor even restarts Nginx. After a while when you need to make a restart, you see this screenful of terror:

%  sudo service nginx restart
Job for nginx.service failed. See "systemctl status nginx.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.
% sudo systemctl status nginx.service
nginx.service - A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code)
  Process: 10144 ExecStop=/sbin/start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --retry QUIT/5 --pidfile /run/ (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 10112 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nginx -g daemon on; master_process on; (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 10297 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/nginx -t -q -g daemon on; master_process on; (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
 Main PID: 10113 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Mar 10 17:59:27 server systemd[1]: Starting A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server...
Mar 10 17:59:27 server nginx[10297]: nginx: [emerg] "listen" directive is not allowed here in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:75
Mar 10 17:59:27 server nginx[10297]: nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

I specifically collected the message from a modern systemd-enabled machine to make it a little more confusing. You will deploy on a systemd-based distribution with high probability sooner or later. Please see the highlighted line for the actual reason. Nginx is wonderful in many ways, and reporting its start errors is definitely one of them.

Investigating lower than usual traffic

This case seems to be easier on the business and it might be, but it is actually much worse for you because you don't know what is still working and what is not. Maybe you have an electronic bookstore and all your Order now clicks are failing. Everything else works, but you earn only on successful orders. Unfortunately, this is the hardest case of all. On the other side, these are rare.

A common (human) error is letting your HTTPS certificates expire. The parts of your website that are not behind HTTPS will continue to work. Moreover, each browser allows a user to override the expiration warning and go on with the business. Because of this, you will see a number of successful responses in your monitoring and logs, but it will be significantly lower than your usual levels.

Issuing new certificates is easy. You may also try switching https off for a short while in a desperate attempt to serve some more people while you are waiting for your new certificates. We cannot recommend that.


Journal: Monitor certificate expiration. This is very easy and will save you from a very unprofessional mishap.

One of the more interesting reasons that you may see lower traffic is performance problems, and we have a whole chapter devoted to performance coming next.

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