Using the TestSubscriber class for in-depth testing

The TestSubscriber instance is a special Subscriber instance, which we can pass to the subscribe() method of any Observable instance.

We can retrieve all the received items and notifications from it. We can also look at the last thread on which the notifications have been received and the subscription state.

Let's rewrite our test using it, in order to demonstrate its capabilities and what it stores:

public void testUsingTestSubscriber() {
  TestSubscriber<String> subscriber =
    new TestSubscriber<String>();
  Assert.assertEquals(expected, subscriber.getOnNextEvents());
  Assert.assertSame(1, subscriber.getOnCompletedEvents().size());

The test is, again, very simple. We create a TestSubscriber instance and subscribe to the tested Observable instance with it. And we have access to the whole state after the Observable instance is completed. Let's take a look at the following term list:

  • With the getOnNextEvents() method, we are able to retrieve all the items emitted by the Observable instance and compare them to the expected List variable.
  • With the getOnCompletedEvents() method, we are able to inspect the OnCompleted notification and to check if it was sent at all. For example, the Observable.never() method doesn't send it.
  • With the getOnErrorEvents() method, we are able to inspect OnError notifications if there were any. In this case, we assert that there were no errors.
  • Using the isUnsubscribed() method, we can assert that, after everything completed, our Subscriber instances were unsubscribed.

The TestSubscriber instance has some assertion methods too. So, there is one more way in which the test could be written:

public void testUsingTestSubscriberAssertions() {
  TestSubscriber<String> subscriber = new TestSubscriber<String>();

These are almost the same assertions, but done with the TestSubscriber instance's own assert* methods.


The source code for the preceding test can be found at—these are the third and the fourth test methods.

With these techniques, we can test different behaviors and states of our RxJava logic. There is one last thing left to learn in this chapter—testing asynchronous Observable instances, such as the ones created by the Observable.interval() method.

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