Searching for records

Searching for records is also a common operation in business logic methods. This recipe shows how to find all the Partner companies and their contacts by company name.

Getting ready

This recipe will be using the same simplified res.partner definition as the Creating new records recipe previously. You may refer to this simplified definition to know the fields.

We will write the code in a method called find_partners_and_contact(self, name).

How to do it…

In order to find the partners, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Get an empty recordset for res.partner:
        def find_partners_and_contacts(self, name):
            partner = self.env['res.partner']
  2. Write the search domain for your criteria:
            domain = ['|', 
                      ('is_company', '=', True),
                      ('name', 'like', name),
                      ('is_company', '=', False),
                      ('', 'like', name)
  3. Call the search() method with the domain and return the recordset:

How it works…

Step 1 defines the method. Since we are not using the contents of self, we decorate it with @api.model, but this is not linked to the purpose of this recipe. Then, we get an empty recordset for the res.partner model because we need it to search res.partner records.

Step 2 creates a search domain in a local variable. Often you'll see this creation inlined in the call to search, but with complex domains, it is a good practice to define it separately.

For a full explanation of the search domain syntax, please refer to the Defining filters on record lists: Domain recipe in Chapter 8, Backend Views.

Step 3 calls the search() method with the domain. The method returns a recordset containing all records matching the domain, which can then be further processed. In the recipe, we call the method with just the domain, but the following keyword arguments are also supported:

  • offset=N: This is used to skip the N first records that match the query. This can be used together with limit to implement pagination or to reduce memory consumption when processing a very large number of records. It defaults to 0.
  • limit=N: return at most N records. By default, there is no limit.
  • order=sort_specification: This is used to force the order on the returned recordset. By default, the order is given by the _order attribute of the model class.
  • count=boolean: If True, this returns the number of records instead of the recordset. It defaults to False.


We recommend using the search_count(domain) method rather than search(domain, count=True), as the name of the method conveys the behavior in a much clearer way; both will give the same result.

There's more…

We said that the search() method returned all the records matching the domain. This is not completely true. The method ensures that only records to which the user performing the search has access are returned. Additionally, if the model has a boolean field called active and no term of the search domain is specifying a condition on that field, then an implicit condition is added by search to only return active=True records. So if you expect a search to return something but you only get empty recordsets, be sure to check the value of the active field (if present) and to check for record rules.

See the recipe Calling a method with a different context in Chapter 6, Advanced Server Side Development Techniques for a way to not have the implicit active = True condition added. See the Limit record access using record rules recipe in Chapter 10, Accessing Security for more information about record level access rules.

If for some reason you find yourself writing raw SQL queries to find record IDs, be sure to use self.env[' record.model '].search([('id', 'in', tuple(ids)).ids after retrieving the IDs to make sure that security rules are applied. This is especially important in multicompany Odoo instances where record rules are used to ensure proper discrimination between companies.

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