
You learned a lot in this chapter. To summarize, we built a simple admin system to manage our marketers. After this, we also created a way for members of the newsletter to log in which leads the user to a home page.

Then we reviewed how to send an e-mail with a simple template system, which allowed a user to add his/her own menu and the content to the layout. We were also able to add Facebook social login by using the Facebook PHP SDK and its authentication process.

In the latter part of the chapter, we built a simple chat system that will send an e-mail immediately to the support e-mail address of our website. We checked out Ratchet, a PHP library to help us work with real-time messaging in PHP, and used AJAX to asynchronously send the data to another script that will do the e-mailing to the support e-mail.

We've now created an impressive newsletter app that is more than the regular, with social login features and a support chat box, and allows other newsletter marketers to manage their content through a website.

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