Fuzzy Decision Support Model for the Control and Regulation of Transport Systems

7.1. Introduction

The complex nature of decisive situations often implies the existence of a formalization process which can compromise decision-making criteria. In fact, when managing a transport network, as for managing any process, decision-makers come upon major difficulties in making decisions due to the conflicts between the criteria that they need to take into account and to modeling. As a result, it is necessary for the decision-makers to benefit from a modeling approach which acknowledges these criteria as well as a strategy which can reflect their compromise.

Several decision-making problems in the field of urban transport pose great difficulty. In the majority of cases, it is not possible to fully meet all the objectives by simply outlining a set of decisions. The challenge lies in the fact of modeling and identifying uncertain knowledge, as well as the parameters and the criteria which are critical for decision-making. For a public transport customer, the arriving at a destination often requires changing vehicles several times at different transport hubs. These connections are sometimes made in non-optimal conditions due to unforeseen incidents causing buses to be delayed or ahead of time. These uncertain and incomplete data can lead to considerable difficulties for regulating traffic.

The development of a decision is a task of great importance in an uncertain environment such as transportation (traffic regulation, connection management). This is an area in which theory has not introduced any model, mainly due to the great diversity of practical cases and to the lack of efficient tools for solving the problem.

In the pages that follow, a model is proposed for building a set of decisions which engage a variety of transport actors (the engineering office, engineers, regulators, experts, etc.). On the one hand, this model takes into account a set of uncertain data which concern the fuzzy characterization of the operating resources (e.g. drivers, buses, information), and on the other hand, a set of rules and methods which may be of use for the decision-making process, based on expertise which has been acquired in the field of transport. The model is essentially based on the application of fuzzy logic and on the integration of a corpus of theoretical and practical knowledge developed by the heads of department of heterogeneous areas (statistics, forecast, opinion, etc.). The model begins by acquiring knowledge regarding different human, material and informational resources. This type of knowledge is modeled and processed through fuzzy decision-making, which offers decision sets inspired in the expertise of regulators, as well as other actors involved in the transport network.

7.2. The problem of decision support systems in urban collective transport

In collective urban transport systems, information is often considered as a set of elements, which are not only interrelated among each other, but also interfere with their environment. Knowledge about these systems is sometimes fraught with uncertainty and inaccuracies. These imperfections in knowledge are of different kinds, something which may further disrupt the control and regulation of these systems. Therefore, it becomes important to make it possible to express and model inaccurate information by using the new modeling theories dedicated to uncertain environments.

The final goal of their search is to improve the connections of the urban public transport network: this aims to help regulators master regulation, to ensure that connections are made in the best possible conditions, to avoid the excessive waiting of customers, to improve the quality of service and to increase the appeal of public transport. The site for carrying out this project is Montbéliard, whose operator is CTPM (Compagnie des Transports du Pays de Montbéliard). Such an aim is reached by developing a model which can provide solutions and answers to decision support problems related to the connections and the traffic of the transport network.

This chapter’s contribution is related to methodological aspects, mainly the modeling of uncertain information, as well as developing a decision support model based on the expertise of simulation engineers, regulators or operations managers. As regards information modeling, the chapter will tackle the problems related to the acquisition of information, and will have the opportunity of taking an in-depth look at the analysis of consequences and of developing the suitable criteria to accompany decisions, which are all important phases of the decision-making process. As regards information modeling to ensure reliability and to obtain results untainted by inaccuracies, the theory of fuzzy subsets has been suggested as a rational theory for modeling and manipulating uncertain knowledge, offering a point of equilibrium between its flexibility of use and its illustrative power. This theory enables the construction of simple and effective models for decision support problems. In this view, and due to this aspect, the quality of the service offered to the customer will certainly improve. In that respect, some important concepts in the field of urban transport are defined.

7.3. Montbéliard’s transport network

An urban transport network may have a defined architecture strategy depending on the company responsible for its management, as is the case of the network of Montbéliard city, based on the hub and spoke principle, due to geographical reasons [HAY 02]. This structure was developed in the United States by airlines. It is an air network structure that systematically reduces the traffic at the airports acting as pivots. Montbéliard’s network is organized around two large hubs from which all the city bus lines depart. Other companies have adopted a more classical architecture (gridded, circular, etc.).

As mentioned above, the Montbéliard’s transport network is organized around two hubs (Figure 7.1):

  • – Acropolis: located northwest of the territory, in the municipality of Montbéliard;
  • – Temple: located southeast of the territory, in the town of Audincourt.

Figure 7.1. Two hubs in Montbéliard’s transport network

All the lines leave from these two hubs, covering the city of Montbéliard, and these are connected by the most important network line that has a very high frequency: “Diam”. There are also other secondary lines of average frequency enabling users to go to the other places in the city.

The structure of this network makes it possible to concentrate traffic towards these hubs, which represent strategic obligatory points for moving within the territory. The quality of the network depends on the quality of these hubs.

7.3.1. Connections

Using public means of transport is nowadays a major phenomenon at all levels, either at the daily commute to work, for intra-urban transport or other types. For a transit customer, the arrival at destination often requires changing vehicle several times in the connecting platforms, and it is at this stage of the journey that the quality of the transport network is truly perceptible to the user. This notion of connection becomes crucial when we want to modify or optimize a transport network to best meet customer demand or material constraints. However, research has not made a significant contribution in this area in the face of the evolving demands of the transport customer. These customers, who demand a high quality in terms of comfort and safety, have difficulty in complying with the queuing discipline. This difficulty prompted operators to connect lines together by setting up connection points and ensuring faster travel. Connection platforms are hubs for the exchange of passengers. This can be achieved by pooling a stretch of line or stations.

The quality of service perceived by the public transport user depends, on the one hand, on the true-to-life quality of the service delivered, and on the way users interpret such reality on the other hand. The relationship between the real and the perceived is interesting because it characterizes the relationship between the provider and the users. Considering the customer’s demands and temporal aspects, the main elements affecting the customers during their journey connections are:

  • waiting time: for public transport users, the connecting trip is slow enough compared to an ideal trip with zero waiting. The waiting time during a connection is perceived as wasted time and often felt like a problem;
  • travel management: the difficulty of public transport users to manage the itinerary of their trips lies in the state and the manner in which connections are established. Planning is as difficult as real-time travel management:
    • - travel planning is an additional burden for transit users to optimize their route on a complex network. They must define the lines, identify the hubs and estimate travel times;
    • - another charge during the trip requires transit users to constantly identify the connecting platforms and to remain attentive so as not to miss the passage of the bus they must take to reach the connecting hub;
  • psychological state: studies done on transport networks showed the evolution of the psychological state of public transport users during their journeys. These studies concluded that users are subject to minimal stress due to the uncertainty of the evolution of their trip. This stress increases slightly during connection moments. It greatly increases when the users learn that there are disturbances in the network and that they are likely to reach their destination with a delay.

The ideal is to provide transit users with reliable information to manage their movements and avoid delays in case of disturbances.

7.3.2. The regulation of an urban collective transport network

The operation of an urban collective transport network essentially comprises two major parts. After elaborating a production program which is materialized in the preparation of a timetable (TT), the regulation, which is the most difficult part, has to be done: this implies an adaptation of the program to the real conditions which is translated by a real-time schedule controlled by the regulatory strategies adopted by the regulators and the experts of the urban transport network. More precisely, it represents the process of real-time updating of the schedule to the operating conditions. Figure 7.2 shows the characteristics of this regulation.


Figure 7.2. Regulation of an urban transport network

The task of regulation is complex. It has four parts:

  • knowledge acquisition: this element is key for the notion of regulation. In order to suggest control strategies, the controller relies on criteria such as the status of the buses during connections (delay/ahead of time) or their load. This kind of information represents the basis for regulation and is therefore necessary for it to be well defined. It derives from two different sources:
    • - the Operating Assistance System (OAS);
    • - the direct communication with drivers who can report all the available information to the controller, such as the emergence of incidents;
  • knowledge analysis: after the acquisition of knowledge, the regulator sorts the information and keeps only that which is considered as determining for regulation. This operation is done in a traditional way, based on professional experience and sometimes on pre-defined regulation standards;
  • decision-making: after performing the knowledge analysis, the regulators use their know-how for suggesting regulatory strategies while meeting the requirements of service quality, predefined in collaboration with the network’s managers, as well as the operational constraints. They may therefore require the drivers to perform certain maneuvers or not be involved if they judge that the incident has no impact on the network nor on the satisfaction of collective transport users (service quality);
  • implementation: after deciding and defining the regulatory strategies, the controller transmits them and orders the drivers to apply the various control maneuvers by direct communication through a radio. In return, the drivers inform the regulator about the impact that the decisions made had on the state of the network, as well as the consequences on the buses and possibly on users.

Following these different tasks that the regulator fulfills, we become aware of the complexity of regulation, especially when many incidents occur simultaneously. Hence, the need for a decision support model which is both robust and user-friendly for modeling uncertain incident information, and for analyzing and suggesting control strategies, while respecting service quality requirements and operational constraints [SOU 00, HAY 03]. The decision support model should:

  • – assist regulators in the control of regulation;
  • – ensure connections in the best possible conditions;
  • – avoid excessive customer waiting;
  • – increase the attractiveness towards public transport while letting the regulator judge autonomously about the pertinence of the suggested regulation strategies.

7.4. Fuzzy aid decision-making model for the regulation of public transport

Despite the clearly multidimensional aspect of real decision-making problems, traditional models and operational research techniques have long been based on the recognition of a single criterion supposed to account for the essential relevant aspects of the problem under consideration. When the problem is obviously multidimensional, pursuing this trend implicitly reduces the evaluation of consequences to a single unit. The potential heterogeneity of this set of consequences can then lead the analyst to mix and reduce diverse criteria such as duration and other physical quantities, the complexity degree of procedures, probabilistic risks or dysfunction levels to complex formulas.


Figure 7.3. Fuzzy decision support model (FDSM)

One of the contributions in this scientific approach to decision support is to recover this type of inconvenience by applying the model introduced in Figure 7.3. This generally takes into account all the decision criteria simultaneously through the use of fuzzy decision rules and by making fuzzy inferences.

Another essential point of the proposed approach is to overcome the uncertainty and inaccuracy of key criteria in decision support by modeling and formalizing these through the theory of fuzzy subsets.

The approach is translated by process interaction constituting the suggested model. Processes such as knowledge modeling through the concept of fuzzy subsets, their processing, the development of traffic regulatory strategies and their analysis acknowledging the expertise of regulators and operational managers of the transport network will be developed later in this chapter.

In order to meet the operational requirements and constraints and the goals of service quality, the model needs to integrate the following functions:

  • detecting connection incidents. As soon as an incident is detected, the resulting decision support system (DSS) should be able to determine the impact of this incident on the connection. An incident entailing a connection problem should be reported to the regulator;
  • acknowledging the various types of information issued by the regulator, such as incident reports (mechanical breakdown, traffic jams), connection creation, etc. This information is informally set by the regulator and is not managed by the OAS. The DSS must therefore offer the regulator the possibility of injecting information in the system and taking it into account in its reasoning process;
  • suggesting connection regulations: developing regulations (sets of maneuvers) to coordinate buses at the hub. Each regulatory measure is then evaluated on the basis of significant criteria (evolution in the advance/delay of buses, success of the connection, regulation cost, passenger waiting time, etc.). These criteria need to be coordinated with the CTPM. The best traffic regulatory solutions are then suggested to the regulator;
  • memorizing validated regulatory strategies: from the different regulations suggested, the regulator chooses the one that seems the most relevant. The DSS needs to register this regulation, and study its impact on the network so as to be able to suggest it again when necessary.

7.4.1. Knowledge acquisition

The first concern during this research process even before the modeling formalism was how to elicit the knowledge of experts, who were in this case transport regulators and traffic operational managers in general. An endeavor demanding so much preciseness, such as knowledge acquisition, may take weeks or even months.

Furthermore, given the complexity of expert knowledge (it sometimes becomes difficult to make their mental processes explicit), acquired knowledge may be inaccurate, incomplete or even inconsistent.

The proposed approach to knowledge acquisition is based on information gathering techniques via the methods mentioned in the second chapter, such as interviews with experts and regulation operational managers. Following the multiple collaboration sessions held with them on several occasions, and the working days spent with them, and after the classification of this knowledge, criteria involved in the development of traffic control strategies were selected, among which are:

  • – the state of each of the buses during connection (ahead of time/delayed);
  • – the flow of passengers in each of the connection buses (negligible, medium or large);
  • – the moment of the day reflecting traffic conditions (rush hour, end of the evening, etc.);
  • – the availability of reserve means of transport;
  • – the availability of human resources;
  • – the type of incident that caused traffic problems.

Seeking to grant the reliability and robustness of the fuzzy decision support model for knowledge acquisition, a knowledge structuring and filtration process should be carried out in the following way:

  • – structured interviews with the decision-makers. During the various missions carried out in Montbéliard, the authors of the chapter met with the regulators and the network experts on many occasions, organizing working and consultation meetings. They observed them during the fulfillment of their regulatory function. Such meetings with the regulators had been previously prepared in the form of questionnaires and diagrams in accordance with modeling constraints. The questions mainly focused on the regulatory strategies and the different scenarios which occur on a regular basis, as well as on the way of communicating with the drivers, key parameters and operational constraints. These interviews contributed to the extraction of knowledge related to the field under study (specific vocabulary, documentation, concepts, etc.) and to the acquisition of the know-how of regulators and traffic control experts;
  • – the analysis of decision-maker verbal protocols. In order to identify and model the behavior of the decision-maker (the regulator in this case), a careful analysis of verbalization was carried out during the resolution of a real-life regulation case. Several simulation scenarios were set up and regulators were invited to express all their thoughts, whether fragmentary or trivial, without commenting on them;
  • – classificatory expertise. This was the task that required spending the longest consultation time with the experts. Classification is an important activity in the transfer of expertise. The tools related to classification make it possible to obtain very precise and complete information, and serve as a means for controlling expert validity and thoroughness. Very fine grain knowledge is obtained and it is easier to encode. After “filtering” the knowledge of experts and regulators, the collection of expert knowledge is classified into two phases:
  • – information collection;
  • – information processing;
  • – summarizing the expertise of decision-makers. Following the previous steps, a great amount of knowledge was acquired. However, this mass of knowledge could not always reflect the direct and integral communication of knowledge. Indeed, some of the actions performed by the regulator were unconscious, totally automatic and impossible to verbalize. Furthermore, as noted previously, an interview is a slow process whose profitability rapidly decreases in the measure that the research project progresses. This is why a synthesis of this expertise was carried out in consultation with all the experts in order to achieve and fulfill it in a rigorous and effective way.

7.4.2. Decision criteria for the regulation of public transport traffic

In order to structure the complex and heterogeneous mass of information concerning potential actions, it is necessary to identify the various points of view (aspects, characteristics or attributes regarding possible decisions) which may play a role in reasoning and establishing judgments. Thanks to this, it is possible to describe and to model the consequences of the implementation of potential actions, in relation to all the points of view deemed relevant.

Once formalized, the consequences of the actions do not always make it possible to directly translate the preferred judgment. Thus, taking into account one attribute for reasoning will only become effective when the decision-maker and/or all the actors concerned have agreed to hierarchize it according to relevant criteria.

There is a more general alternative for modeling preferences for a particular attribute. For this, it is necessary to build a set of attributes having a value function within the interval [0, 1] reflecting the degree to which a given consequence corresponds to the aspirations of the individuals involved.

Thanks to such techniques, it is possible to build a criterion, that is, a preference model related to a consequence or a set of consequences, which can be grouped along the same axis of synthetic meaning clearly perceived by the different actors. Formally, let us call a criterion any f(x) function defined on A, with a certain value within set E equipped with the relation of total order ≥E, making it possible to compare performance, depending on the following relation:


Rf is a binary relation defined on A. The element E written as f(a) is classically called performance of a on criterion f.

For the purposes of regulation (set of maneuvers), the proposed approach resorts to a broad palette of more or less subjective criteria. The criteria listed below are the result of several collaborative sessions with regulators by applying the aforementioned knowledge acquisition techniques. Important criteria are, for example:

  • – characteristics of buses during connection (ahead of time/delayed, load, coming/going, intervals, speed);
  • – number of travelers;
  • – timing of day, month and year (traffic);
  • – regular or occasional events;
  • – team change-off
  • Secondary criteria can be:
  • – type of traveler;
  • – type of stations;
  • – reserve means;
  • – type of incident (regular or occasional).

All these criteria have to be taken into account in the decision support system, despite the fact that some may seem empirical. The proposed approach will also take into account the following criteria:

  • – passenger waiting time, characterizing their comfort;
  • – impact of regulation on the future evolution of the network and on the following connections;
  • – cost of regulation: the regulations of the DSS will then favor the improvement of the service quality of connections.

7.4.3. Criteria modeling

Some system processors require the intervention of human interlocutors, either observers or potential users. These interlocutors introduce subjective descriptions, which imply the presence of the five human senses. In this case, granting reliability and obtaining results which are untainted by inaccuracies is a difficult task, and demands the use of specific knowledge modeling approaches.

The practical accomplishment of a decision support system necessarily implies knowledge acquisition. The simultaneous processing of this knowledge, which may be uncertain, can be achieved in a simpler manner using fuzzy subset theory.

This theory is also applied when:

  • – there is non-numerical uncertainty about certain types of knowledge, reflecting the reliability of the actor providing it, or difficulties in observation;
  • – there are classes with ill-defined borders, whose boundaries cannot be precisely indicated, or which are wrongly separated, with partially overlapping categories;
  • – there is a search for flexibility in the accuracy of representation, or in the adaptation to a system’s conditions of use.

In other cases, fuzzy subset theory is used because it is easier to implement than traditional methods, and yields comparable results.

Criteria modeling through fuzzy subset theory is done through fuzzification that the interface establishes between the physical world and the data used by the model, playing the role of a digital/linguistic converter. It models and represents information through membership functions, in this case, by converting the available features in the operating system into linguistic terms defined by membership functions.

7.4.4. The fuzzification process

This process includes different phases:

  • – from the available data, the fuzzification makes it possible to define types of situations (Figure 7.4);
  • – thanks to an inference engine (regulation base), a type of decision can be associated with each type of situation;
  • – defuzzification makes it possible to determine which is the exact decision that should be made.


Figure 7.4. Fuzzification process

Figure 7.5 gives an example of a fuzzification process for the advance–delay of the connecting buses. Being ahead of time/delayed is defined as the difference between the actual time of passage and the theoretical time. This is represented by fuzzy subsets and the following linguistic terms: very late, late, ahead of time.


Figure 7.5. Membership function for the advance/delay of buses.VL: very late; L: late; A: ahead of time; Tr: real time in minutes; Tt: theoretical time in minutes; μ(T): membership function

Following the various collaborative sessions with the operational managers of the transport network, as well as with the regulators, and counting upon the expertise elicited during the knowledge acquisition phase, it is possible to define the time frames concerning the state of each of the connecting buses. These frames represent the time intervals or fuzzy subsets used in fuzzy inference through decision rules. When the time frame of one bus moves from one fuzzy subset to another, this results in a new situation and, as a result, fuzzy inference may result in a new type of decision. Thus, the subset “VL” reflects a situation in which the delay of the bus is excessive, and the subset “L” reflects a situation in which the delay of the bus is average, etc.

Another example is the process of fuzzification of the passenger flow, shown in Figure 7.6. The number of travelers is represented by the following fuzzy subsets and linguistic terms: negligible, medium, important. This is the number of travelers who are planning to make a connection.

The number of travelers is also a key parameter for regulation strategies. In the case where there are no customers planning to make a connection, the control action is not essential, but if it is not performed, it may cause problems in another point of the network. In this view, fuzzy subsets represent the value ranges which were key to changes in the regulation strategy. Thus, the large fuzzy subset reflects a situation in which the number of passengers is considerable, resulting in a very particular regulation strategy through the decision rules used in the fuzzy inference.


Figure 7.6. Membership function of the passenger flow. N: negligible; M: medium; I: important; μ(Nb): membership function


Figure 7.7. Membership function of the time of day. RH: rush hour; CT: team change-off time; OP: off-peak time; LE: late evening; μ(H): membership function

The process of fuzzification for the time of day is illustrated in Figure 7.7. The time of day reflecting traffic conditions is represented by the following fuzzy subsets and linguistic terms: off-peak hour, rush hour, team change-off time, late evening.

The time of day is a parameter reflecting traffic conditions. This information is as important as the one that was just identified in order to decide on the nature of the regulatory action. During the rush hour the traffic conditions are quite different from those at 3 pm, for example. For this, based on the expertise of regulators, fuzzy subsets were defined so as to model the information which influences the way in which human operators manage and regulate the transport network. At around noon, for example, the managers plan changing drivers, that is, the “team change-off”; this timing is modeled by using the fuzzy subset “CT”: team change-off time.

Figure 7.8 illustrates the fuzzification of proposals on the slowdown of buses. The proposals regarding the status of the bus refer to slowdown values for the regulation of traffic in the transport network when an incident disrupts the network. These are modeled by fuzzification through membership functions.


Figure 7.8. Membership function of the bus slowdown. Tt: theoretical time; Tr: real time; μ(y): the membership function of the discourse universe

7.4.5. Generation of decisions

The generation of decisions for regulating traffic is the most important step in the approach. In fact, it reflects the automation of the regulators’ thinking process, reasoning and action, by drawing on their expertise and taking into account all the criteria which are decisive in regulatory strategies. It is the result of the fuzzy inference process after having synthetized the expertise obtained during the consultation with all the experts, in order to round it up and complete it in a rigorous and efficient way. The rules are expressed as follows:

  • – example no. 1: “if the arriving bus is very late, and the departing bus is very late, and the number of travelers is negligible, and the time of day is the rush hour, then the slowdown is negligible”;
  • – example no. 2: “if the arriving bus is very late, and the departing bus is late, and the number of travelers is average, and the time of day is the late evening, then the slowdown is average”;
  • – example no. 3: “if the arriving bus is very late, and the departing bus is late, and the number of travelers is average, and the time of day is the team change-off time, then the slowdown is weak”;
  • – example no. 4: “if the arriving bus is very late, and the departing bus is ahead of time, and the number of travelers is average, and the time of day is the rush hour, then the slowdown is important.

The slowdown always refers to the most advanced bus, all the rules are grouped in matrices in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1. Decision rule table

Arriving bus Departing bus Passenger flow Timing of the day Slowdown
IF VL VL Negligible RH THEN Negligible
VL VL Negligible LE Negligible
VL VL Negligible OP Negligible
VL VL Average RH Negligible
VL VL Average LE Negligible
VL VL Average OP Negligible
VL VL Important RH Negligible
VL VL Important LE Negligible
VL VL Important OP Negligible
VL L Negligible RH Negligible
VL L Negligible LE Negligible
VL L Negligible OP Negligible
VL L Average RH Weak
VL L Average LE Average
VL L Average OP Weak
VL L Important RH Average
VL L Important LE Average
VL L Important OP Weak
VL A Negligible RH Weak
VL A Negligible LE Weak
VL A Negligible OP Weak
VL A Average RH Important
VL A Average LE Important
VL A Average OP Average
VL A Important RH Important
VL A Important LE Important
VL A Important OP Important
L VL Negligible RH Negligible
L VL Negligible LE Negligible
L VL Negligible OP Negligible
L VL Average RH Weak
L VL Average LE Average
L VL Average OP Weak
L VL Important RH Average
L VL Important LE Average
L VL Important OP Weak
L L Negligible RH Negligible
L L Negligible LE Negligible
L L Negligible OP Negligible
L L Average RH Weak
L L Average LE Weak
L L Average OP Weak
L L Important RH Weak
L L Important LE Weak
L L Important OP Weak
L A Negligible RH Weak
L A Negligible LE Weak
L A Negligible OP Weak
L A Average RH Weak
L A Average LE Average
L A Average OP Weak
L A Important RH Average
L A Important LE Average
L A Important OP Average
A VL Negligible RH Weak
A VL Negligible LE Weak
A VL Negligible OP Weak
A VL Average RH Important
A VL Average LE Important
A VL Average OP Important
A VL Important RH Important
A VL Important LE Important
A VL Important OP Important
A L Negligible RH Weak
A L Negligible LE Weak
A L Negligible OP Weak
A L Average RH Average
A L Average LE Average
A L Average OP Weak
A L Important RH Average
A L Important LE Average
A L Important OP Weak
A A Negligible RH Weak
A A Negligible LE Weak
A A Negligible OP Weak
A A Average RH Weak
A A Average LE Weak
A A Average OP Weak
A A Important RH Weak
A A Important LE Weak
A A Important OP Weak

7.4.6. Defuzzification

The defuzzification process performs the opposite action to fuzzification, playing the role of a linguistic/digital converter. It turns the information in the form of subsets from the universe of state descriptions, deriving from the inference process, into numerical variables (Figure 7.9).


Figure 7.9. Defuzzification process

The defuzzification method used for the different membership functions of the chosen criteria represents the center of gravity method. This is the most accurate method, and is often used in similar cases to that of the regulation of urban transport traffic. However, it requires an integral calculation. The advantage of this method is that it takes into account all the available information and offers a very satisfying result. The formula is given in the following form (Figure 7.10):


Figure 7.10. Calculation of the center of gravity for example no. 1. G0: center of gravity of the discourse subset; S: surface of the discourse universe; y: discourse universe; μ(y): membership function

In the decision support system for the regulation of connecting urban transport traffic, the discourse universe and the slowing down or waiting time value for connecting buses are the result of the difference between the theoretical time and the practical time.

Four examples are now introduced. For the first one, only one rule is activated, two are activated for the second one, four for the third and 16 for the last one, representing one of the most complex occurrences that may appear.

For example no. 1, we have the following vector:


The rule used in Figure 7.11 is: “if the arriving bus is late, and the departing bus is ahead of time, and the number of passengers is average, and the timing of day is the rush hour, then the slowdown of the departing bus is average”


Figure 7.11. Calculation of the center of gravity for example no. 1

For example no. 2, we have the following vector:


The rules used in Figure 7.12 are as follows:

  • – the rule used in Figure 7.12-1 is: “if the arriving bus is very late, and the departing bus is ahead of time, and the number of passengers is average and the timing of day is rush hour, then the slowdown of the departing bus is important”;
  • – the rule used in Figure 7.12-2 is: “if the arriving bus is very late, and the departing bus is late, and the number of passengers is average, and the timing of day is the rush hour, then the departing bus slowdown is average”.

Figure 7.12. Calculation of the center of gravity for example no. 2

This value, determined by defuzzification, represents the slowdown or waiting value of the bus ahead of time compared to the other connecting buses.

For example no. 3, we have the following vector:

image image

Figure 7.13. Calculation of the center of gravity for example no. 3

The rules used in Figure 7.13 are as follows:

  • – the rule used in Figure 7.13-1 is: “if the arriving bus is late, and the departing bus is ahead of time, and the number of travelers is average, and the time of day is the rush hour, then the departing bus slowdown is average”;
  • – the rule used in Figure 7.13-2 is: “if the arriving bus is late, and the departing bus is late, and the number of passengers is average, and the time of day is the rush hour, then the departing bus slowdown is weak”;
  • – the rule used in Figure 7.13-3 is: “if the arriving bus is late, and the departing bus is ahead of time, and the number of travelers is average, and the time of day is the off-peak time, then the slowdown of the departing bus is weak”;
  • – the rule used in Figure 7.13-4 is: “if the arriving bus is late, and the departing bus is late, and the number of passengers is average and the time of day is the off-peak time, then the departing bus slowdown is weak”.

Finally, in example no. 4, we have the following vector:


As examples, here are some rule illustrations in Figure 7.14:

  • – the rule used in Figure 7.14-1 is: “if the arriving bus is late, and the departing bus is very late, and the number of passengers is average, and the time of day is the off-peak time, then the departing bus slowdown is weak”;
  • – the rule used in Figure 7.14-2 is: “if the arriving bus is late and the departing bus is late, and the number of passengers is average, and the time of day is the off-peak time, then the departing bus slowdown is weak”;
  • – the rule used in Figure 7.14-3 is: “if the arriving bus is ahead of time, and the departing bus is very late, and the number of travelers is average, and the time of the day is the off-peak time, then the slowdown of the departing bus is average”;
  • – the rule used in Figure 7.14-4 is: “if the arriving bus is ahead of time, and the departing bus is late, and the number of travelers is average, and the time of day is the off-peak time, then the slowdown of the departing bus is weak”;
  • – the rule used in Figure 7.14-5 is: “if the arriving bus is late and the departing bus is very late, and the number of passengers is important, and the time of day is the off-peak time, then the slowdown of the departing bus is weak”;
  • and so on until the last rule in Figure 7.14-16 which is: “if the arriving bus is ahead of time and the departing bus is late, and the number of passengers is important, and the time of day is the late evening, then the slowdown of the departing bus is average”.

Figure 7.14. Calculation of the center of gravity for example no. 4

7.4.7. Types of decisions

Given the large number of scenarios and of inferences the system may encounter, a classification of the regulation strategies into types of decisions is proposed according to the value found after defuzzification. “A”-type regulatory decision

This decision type refers to “slowing down of x minutes”, and is possible when the slowdown value is low. In this case, the slowdown should not interfere with the network operation and the regulation takes place in the best conditions. “B”-type regulatory decision

In this type of decision, “slowing down of x minutes and waiting at the connecting point”, the slowdown becomes more or less important and may hinder network operation. This explains the need for this type of slowdown when there is heavy traffic and waiting at the connecting node. “C”-type regulatory decision

From the moment the slowdown becomes very important, neither the slowdown nor the wait are possible. In this case, the type of decision will embrace several regulation strategies. Substitution

Substitution refers to the action of substituting one of the cars for the intended service. This maneuver involves using an available car (parked, re-entering, delayed) to replace the one originally planned and which became unavailable (breakdown, late arrival, etc.). The machinist chooses a parked car or picks up a car on its way back, or a delayed car, and sets out to the place where the incident was reported. The change-off service will park its car on arrival at the terminus or relay it to the incoming service, or to the delayed service. Figure 7.15 is an example of this type of maneuver being two stations: Temple and Acropole.

Car 01 blocked in station Z will be late for the connection at 12:40. Car 05 is moved in order to ensure this departure and replace Car 01. The machinist of Car 01 will park the car on arrival at Temple. Transshipment

Transshipment is the transfer of passengers from one car to another. It is planned when substitution is not possible due to a lack of available means. This maneuver makes it possible to relieve a car from its charge. It is essential in the case of car unavailability on a line. Furthermore, it makes other maneuvers such as turning around possible. In order to carry out a transshipment, it is necessary to have at least two grouped cars. The number of grouped cars, the load of each of them, the number of passengers to be removed in the section after the transshipment point are all factors which determine the feasibility of the maneuver. The need for a car near the transshipment points (load in the opposite direction, gaps to be filled) and the constraints of the staff management (team change-off to be granted) determine the relevance of this decision.


Figure 7.15. Graph of the substitution decision. For a color version of this figure, see: www.iste.co.uk/vanderhaegen/automation.zip

For instance, in Figure 7.16, car no. 1 is very late due to a breakdown. The decision is to transship the passengers of car no. 1 to car no. 2. Assuring the connection at another meeting point

This maneuver refers to postponing the departure of a bus to another stopping point. It makes it possible to re-establish the regularity of the traffic and the absorption of an irregular charge: the car is then delayed at the meeting point in question, that is, the time required for the late bus to reach the stop and the passengers to climb into the car. For example, in Figure 7.17, bus line 3 has fallen behind and will therefore not be able to reach the Temple connection node with bus line 2. However, the two lines 3 and 2 will meet again at Acropolis and will be able to ensure the connection.


Figure 7.16. Graph of the transshipment decision. For a color version of this figure, see: www.iste.co.uk/vanderhaegen/automation.zip


Figure 7.17. Graph of the connection decision. For a color version of this figure, see: www.iste.co.uk/vanderhaegen/automation.zip

7.4.8. Suggestions of regulatory strategies

After detecting the incidents of transport connections in related to the operation feedback, the DSS carries out the process of problem-solving and infers which decisions or regulation strategies can be suggested. This proposal is materialized in the maneuvers that each of the connecting bus drivers must perform. These maneuvers seek to coordinate the buses at the connection stage, acknowledging various sources of information, such as incident reports (mechanical breakdown, traffic jams, etc.), or the creation of connections, which are simulated in order to assess their impact on the connection, and therefore make it possible to decide on the validity of the decision.

7.4.9. Impact and validation of regulatory strategies

Although they take into account all the experimental and practical theoretical knowledge of the experts of the transport networks and regulators, decisions or suggested strategies are subject to validation by regulators in the sense that this is a decision support tool. They are evaluated on the basis of significant criteria such as:

  • – evolution of the bus being ahead of time/delayed;
  • – successful connection;
  • – regulatory cost;
  • – passenger waiting time.

These criteria, as others that the operator recommends, enable regulators to decide on the validity of these regulatory strategies and to classify them in view of defining the best solutions for traffic regulation. For this, after the proposal takes place, an immediate and automatic simulation should be implemented in order to reveal the impact of these strategies on the network in real time. In the case where the suggested strategies do not fulfill the best conditions for traffic regulation or do not completely satisfy the requirements set by the managers, after a technical or material incident has taken place, regulators may suggest other strategies that will be integrated into the knowledge base for use in future configurations.

7.4.10. Implementation of regulatory strategies

Once validated, the regulatory strategies are stored for future uses and implemented on the transport network. Throughout their application a simulation must be performed in order to measure and study the impact of the regulation on the network in a theoretical way and to be able to make a comparison with practical study cases. These measurements and evaluations become the subject of statistics for the future perspectives of operators, particularly in relation to:

  • – the architecture and organization of the network;
  • – the management strategy of the operation;
  • – the arrangement of connections or other operation-related perspectives.

7.5. Conclusion

In this chapter, a decision support model based on fuzzy subset theory was proposed. Different stages were presented: from the acquisition and processing of knowledge to the elaboration of decisions. This model resorts to human expertise as a source of knowledge in view of helping decision-makers to develop strategies and decisions, which explains and justifies the foundation of this model on the theory of fuzzy subsets.

First, the model functioning focused on the way in which knowledge acquisition and knowledge processing take place. Then, explanations detailed its modeling through membership functions, and showed how strategies and decisions are developed through fuzzy inference, and how the DSS offers results to decision-makers so as to validate them.

The concept of decision support as envisioned through the model introduced meets the constraints and prospects of the operation, as well as the goals of those responsible for the decision framework. Another essential point of this model is that it helps overcome the uncertainty and inaccuracy stemming from expert descriptions and ensures reliability.

7.6. References

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[HAY 03] HAYAT S., OULD SIDI M.M., “Towards fuzzy aid decision-making system of the Valenciennes transport network connections”, The International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration, Las Vegas, United States, pp. 27–29, October 2003.

[SOU 00] SOULHI A., HAYAT S., HAMMADI S. et al., “Fuzzy decision-making in the traffic regulation of the bus networks”, World Automation Congress WAC’2000, pp. 11–16, United States, June 2000.

Chapter written by Saïd HAYAT and Saïd Moh AHMAED.

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