Creating the classes that represent a drone

We will create as many classes as we will use to represent the different components of a drone. In a real-life example, these classes will interact with a library that interacts with sensors and actuators. In order to keep our example simple, we will make calls to time.sleep to simulate interactions that take some time to set or get values to and from sensors and actuators.

First, we will create a Hexacopter class that we will use to represent the hexacopter and a HexacopterStatus class that we will use to store status data for the hexacopter. Create a new file. The following lines shows all the necessary imports for the classes that we will create and the code that declares the Hexacopter and HexacopterStatus classes in the file. The code file for the sample is included in the restful_python_chapter_09_01 folder:

from random import randint 
from time import sleep 
class HexacopterStatus: 
    def __init__(self, motor_speed, turned_on): 
        self.motor_speed = motor_speed 
        self.turned_on = turned_on 
class Hexacopter: 
    MIN_SPEED = 0 
    MAX_SPEED = 1000 
    def __init__(self): 
        self.motor_speed = self.__class__.MIN_SPEED 
        self.turned_on = False 
    def get_motor_speed(self): 
        return self.motor_speed 
    def set_motor_speed(self, motor_speed): 
        if motor_speed < self.__class__.MIN_SPEED: 
            raise ValueError('The minimum speed is {0}'.format(self.__class__.MIN_SPEED)) 
        if motor_speed > self.__class__.MAX_SPEED: 
            raise ValueError('The maximum speed is {0}'.format(self.__class__.MAX_SPEED)) 
        self.motor_speed = motor_speed 
        self.turned_on = (self.motor_speed is not 0) 
        return HexacopterStatus(self.get_motor_speed(), self.is_turned_on()) 
    def is_turned_on(self): 
        return self.turned_on 
    def get_hexacopter_status(self): 
        return HexacopterStatus(self.get_motor_speed(), self.is_turned_on()) 

The HexacopterStatus class just declares a constructor, that is, the __init__ method. This method receives many arguments and uses them to initialize the attributes with the same names: motor_speed and turned_on.

The Hexacopter class declares two class attributes that specify the minimum and maximum speed values: MIN_SPEED and MAX_SPEED. The constructor, that is, the __init__ method, initializes the motor_speed attribute with the MIN_SPEED value and sets the turned_on attribute to False.

The get_motor_speed method returns the value of the motor_speed attribute. The set_motor_speed method checks whether the value for the motor_speed argument is in the valid range. In case the validation fails, the method raises a ValueError exception. Otherwise, the method sets the value of the motor_speed attribute with the received value and sets the value for the turned_on attribute to True if the motor_speed is greater than 0. Finally, the method calls sleep to simulate it takes two seconds to retrieve the hexacopter status and then returns a HexacopterStatus instance initialized with the motor_speed and turned_on attribute values, retrieved through specific methods.

The get_hexacopter_status method calls sleep to simulate it takes three seconds to retrieve the hexacopter status and then returns a HexacopterStatus instance initialized with the motor_speed and turned_on attribute values.

Now, we will create a LightEmittingDiode class that we will use to represent each LED. Open the previously created file and add the following lines. The code file for the sample is included in the restful_python_chapter_09_01 folder:

class LightEmittingDiode: 
    def __init__(self, identifier, description): 
        self.identifier = identifier 
        self.description = description 
        self.brightness_level = self.__class__.MIN_BRIGHTNESS_LEVEL 
    def get_brightness_level(self): 
        return self.brightness_level 
    def set_brightness_level(self, brightness_level): 
        if brightness_level < self.__class__.MIN_BRIGHTNESS_LEVEL: 
            raise ValueError('The minimum brightness level is {0}'.format(self.__class__.MIN_BRIGHTNESS_LEVEL)) 
        if brightness_level > self.__class__.MAX_BRIGHTNESS_LEVEL: 
            raise ValueError('The maximum brightness level is {0}'.format(self.__class__.MAX_BRIGHTNESS_LEVEL)) 
        self.brightness_level = brightness_level 

The LightEmittingDiode class declares two class attributes that specify the minimum and maximum brightness level values: MIN_BRIGHTNESS_LEVEL and MAX_BRIGHTNESS_LEVEL. The constructor, that is, the __init__ method, initializes the brightness_level attribute with the MIN_BRIGHTNESS_LEVEL and the id and description attributes with the values received in the arguments with the same names.

The get_brightness_level method calls sleep to simulate, it takes 1 second to retrieve the brightness level for the wired LED and then returns the value of the brightness_level attribute.

The set_brightness_level method checks whether the value for the brightness_level argument is in the valid range. In case the validation fails, the method raises a ValueError exception. Otherwise, the method calls sleep to simulate it takes two seconds to set the new brightness level and finally sets the value of the brightness_level attribute with the received value.

Now, we will create an Altimeter class that we will use to represent the altimeter. Open the previously created file and add the following lines. The code file for the sample is included in the restful_python_chapter_09_01 folder:

class Altimeter: 
    def get_altitude(self): 
        return randint(0, 3000) 

The Altimeter class declares a get_altitude method that calls sleep to simulate it takes one second to retrieve the altitude from the altimeter and finally generates a random integer from 0 to 3000 (inclusive) and returns it.

Finally, we will create a Drone class that we will use to represent the drone with its sensors and actuators. Open the previously created file and add the following lines. The code file for the sample is included in the restful_python_chapter_09_01 folder

class Drone: 
    def __init__(self): 
        self.hexacopter = Hexacopter() 
        self.altimeter = Altimeter() 
        self.blue_led = LightEmittingDiode(1, 'Blue LED') 
        self.white_led = LightEmittingDiode(2, 'White LED') 
        self.leds = { 
            self.blue_led.identifier: self.blue_led, 
            self.white_led.identifier: self.white_led 

The Drone class just declares a constructor, that is, the __init__ method that creates instances of the previously declared classes that represent the different components for the drone. The leds attribute saves a dictionary that has a key-value pair for each LightEmittingDiode instance with its id and its instance.

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