Adding authentication to resources

We will configure the Flask-HTTPAuth extension to work with our User model to verify passwords and set the authenticated user associated with a request. We will declare a custom function that this extension will use as a callback to verify a password. We will create a new base class for our resources that will require authentication. Open the api/ file and add the following code after the last line that uses the import statement and before the lines that declares the Blueprint instance . The code file for the sample is included in the restful_python_chapter_07_02 folder:

from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth 
from flask import g 
from models import User, UserSchema 
auth = HTTPBasicAuth() 
def verify_user_password(name, password): 
    user = User.query.filter_by(name=name).first() 
    if not user or not user.verify_password(password): 
        return False 
    g.user = user 
    return True 
class AuthRequiredResource(Resource): 
    method_decorators = [auth.login_required] 

First, we create an instance of the flask_httpauth.HTTPBasicAuth class named auth. Then, we declare the verify_user_password function that receives a name and a password as arguments. The function uses the @auth.verify_password decorator to make this function become the callback that Flask-HTTPAuth will use to verify the password for a specific user. The function retrieves the user whose name matches the name specified in the argument and saves its reference in the user variable. If a user is found, the code checks the results of the user.verify_password method with the received password as an argument.

If either a user isn't found or the call to user.verify_password returns False, the function returns False and the authentication will fail. If the call to user.verify_password returns True, the function stores the authenticated User instance in the user attribute for the flask.g object.


The flask.g object is a proxy that allows us to store on this whatever we want to share for one request only. The user attribute we added to the flask.g object will be only valid for the active request and it will return different values for each different request. This way, it is possible to use flask.g.user in another function or method called during a request to access details about the authenticated user for the request.

Finally, we declared the AuthRequiredResource class as a subclass of flask_restful.Resource. We just specified auth.login_required as one of the members of the list that we assign to the method_decorators property inherited from the base class. This way, all the methods declared in a resource that uses the new AuthRequiredResource class as its superclass will have the auth.login_required decorator applied to them, and therefore, any method that is called to the resource will require authentication.

Now, we will replace the base class for the existing resource classes to make them inherit from AuthRequiredResource instead of Resource. We want any of the requests that retrieve or modify categories and messages to be authenticated.

The following lines show the declarations for the four resource classes:

class MessageResource(Resource): 
class MessageListResource(Resource): 
class CategoryResource(Resource): 
class CategoryListResource(Resource): 

Open the api/ file and replace Resource by AuthRequiredResource in the previously shown four lines that declare the resource classes. The following lines show the new code for each resource class declaration:

class MessageResource(AuthRequiredResource): 
class MessageListResource(AuthRequiredResource): 
class CategoryResource(AuthRequiredResource): 
class CategoryListResource(AuthRequiredResource): 
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