Chapter 4. Network Management

In the previous chapter, we prepared to launch an instance by importing disk images into Glance. The next preparation required for launching an instance is to create a virtual network for the instance to use. Neutron is the network management component in OpenStack. In this chapter, we'll look at how to create virtual networks and routers for the OpenStack instances to use. We will also look at some of the underlying plumbing that is used to support the virtual networks.

Networking and Neutron

As I was learning Neutron networking and started to present my experiences to audiences, I coined a phrase that I continue to stand by: Networking is hard. Networking is the most complex component in OpenStack and for good reason. This is because networking is a complex part of computing. It takes time and hard work to understand networking. It is often left to the network administrators and neglected by others. Hats off to you network administrators. I spent 7 years of my professional career avoiding learning some of the core concepts of networking and leaving it to the folks that did networking. OpenStack is where it caught up with me and bowled me over. To administer an OpenStack cloud that uses Neutron networking, you have to understand some of the core concepts used in networking. As we work through the rest of this book, I will make sure to explain these concepts as we come across them so that if you're not a networking guru, you will hopefully come out on the other side with an understanding that will equip you to administer your cloud well.

Using Neutron, you enable what is referred to as per-project or per-tenant networking. This means that virtual isolated networks can be created for each project, or more recently called projects. These networks only have routes to each other if you create them. These networks only have routes to the outside world if you create them, and there is next to nothing assumed about what an instance should be able to do on a network. This is important because it isolates the instances in different projects from each other. It is a security risk for an instance in network A to have access to an instance in network B by default, even if they are in the same project, though the default is for instances in the same network to have access to each other unless the network is specifically configured to behave differently. OpenStack was designed this way so that you would gain this security out of the box.

Network fabric

Neutron itself is an API that has a modular plugin architecture. The plugins interface with a networking fabric and manage that fabric for you. A networking fabric is just a fancy term for the physical underlying networking infrastructure and architecture that transports the data within a network. What this means is that Neutron by itself is kind of like a television remote by itself. Until the remote has a television that it can interface with and control, it is just a paperweight that your 2-year-old likes to spend time developing his fine motor skills with by pushing the buttons over and over. Similarly, until Neutron has a networking fabric tied to it that it can manage for you, it is basically useless.

There is a broad collection of vendors that have written plugins for Neutron to allow you to manage their compatible networking appliances. If you have a preferred networking vendor, ask them about their support for OpenStack Neutron. Investigating vendor support and configuration is beyond the scope of this book. Luckily, there is an open source virtual networking project that can meet the needs of our OpenStack networking installation.

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