What this book covers

Chapter 1, Quick Start with Java, explains how to rapidly craft a web application running on an embedded web container, access some data, and then deploy it into the cloud using minimal amounts of code and build settings.

Chapter 2, Reactive Web with Spring Boot, shows how to start building a social media service to upload pictures using Spring WebFlux, Project Reactor, and the Thymeleaf template engine.

Chapter 3, Reactive Data Access with Spring Boot, explains how we can pick up Spring Data MongoDB as a reactive-power data store and hook it to our social media platform. You'll find out how Spring Boot autoconfigures our app to persist data.

Chapter 4, Testing with Spring Boot, explains how we can write unit tests with JUnit, slice tests where small parts of our app uses real components, and full-blown embedded container testing. Also, you will see how to write an autoconfiguration policy for a browser-driving test toolkit and test that as well.

Chapter 5, Developer Tools for Spring Boot Apps, puts several tools in our hands to enhance developer experience, such as DevTools, LiveReload, and connecting our IDE to the cloud.

Chapter 6, AMQP Messaging with Spring Boot, explains how to use RabbitMQ as our message broker and reactively build up a reliable, streaming message service between components.

Chapter 7, Microservices with Spring Boot, introduces Spring Cloud and the ability to break up our social media platform into smaller, more manageable apps, dynamically talking to each other.

Chapter 8, WebSockets with Spring Boot, shows how to enhance the user experience by sending updates to all interested parties from various microservices. You will also see how to route all WebSocket messages through a RabbitMQ broker.

Chapter 9, Securing Your App with Spring Boot, lets us secure the social media platform for production with both URL-based and method-based tactics, so only registered users can get online, and only authorized admins and owners can actually delete uploaded pictures.

Chapter 10, Taking Your App to Production with Spring Boot, shows us how to bundle up our application and deploy to production without breaking the bank by using profile-based configurations to distinguish between local and cloud-based situations and creating custom properties to tailor application settings without rewriting code for every environment.

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