
The operators are used to perform arithmetic operations and make comparisons between many things. The following operators are reserved by Go language.


Most commonly used operators are the arithmetic operators and comparators. Arithmetic operators are as following:

  • The + operator for sums
  • The - operator for subtractions
  • The * operator for multiplications
  • The / operator for divisions
  • The % operator for division remainders
  • The ++ operator to add 1 to the current variable
  • The -- operator to subtract 1 to the current variable

On the other side, comparators are used to check the differences between two statements:

  • The == operator to check if two values are equal
  • The != operator to check if two values are different
  • The > operator to check if left value is higher than right value
  • The < operator to check if left value is lower than right value
  • The >= operator to check if left value is higher or equal to right value
  • The <= operator to check if left value is lower or equal to right value
  • The &&operator to check if two values are true

You also have the shifters to perform a binary shift to left or right of a value and a negated operator to invert some value. We´ll use these operators a lot during the following chapters so don´t worry too much about them now, just keep in mind that you cannot set the name of any variable, field or function in your code like this operators.


What's the inverted value of 10? What's the negated value of 10? -10? Incorrect.. 10 in binary code is 1010 so if we negate every number we will have 0101 or 101 which is the number 5.

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