Pipeline design pattern

The third and final pattern we will see in this chapter is the Pipeline pattern. You will use this pattern heavily in your concurrent structures, and we can consider it one of the most useful too.


We already know what a pipeline is. Every time that we write any function that performs some logic, we are writing a pipeline: If this then that, or else something else. Pipelines pattern can be made more complex by using a few functions that call to each other. They can even get looped in their out execution.

The Pipeline pattern in Go works in a similar fashion, but each step in the Pipeline will be in a different Goroutine and communication, and synchronizing will be done using channels.


When creating a Pipeline, we are mainly looking for the following benefits:

  • We can create a concurrent structure of a multistep algorithm
  • We can exploit the parallelism of multicore machines by decomposing an algorithm in different Goroutines

However, just because we decompose an algorithm in different Goroutines doesn't necessarily mean that it will execute the fastest. We are constantly talking about CPUs, so ideally the algorithm must be CPU-intensive to take advantage of a concurrent structure. The overhead of creating Goroutines and channels could make an algorithm smaller.

A concurrent multi-operation

We are going to do some math for our example. We are going to generate a list of numbers starting with 1 and ending at some arbitrary number N. Then we will take each number, power it to 2, and sum the resulting numbers to a unique result. So, if N=3, our list will be [1,2,3]. After powering them to 2, our list becomes [1,4,9]. If we sum the resulting list, the resulting value is 14.

Acceptance criteria

Functionally speaking, our Pipeline pattern needs to raise to the power of 2 every number and then sum them all. It will be divided into a number generator and two operations, so:

  1. Generate a list from 1 to N where N can be any integer number.
  2. Take each number of this generated list and raise it to the power of 2.
  3. Sum each resulting number into a final result and return it.

Beginning with tests

We will create only one function that will manage everything. We will call this function LaunchPipeline to simplify things. It will take an integer as an argument, which will be our N number, the number of items in our list. The declaration in the implementation file looks like this:

package pipelines 
func LaunchPipeline(amount int) int { 
  return 0 

In our test file, we will create a table of tests by using a slice of slices:

package pipelines 
import "testing" 
func TestLaunchPipeline(t *testing.T) { 
  tableTest := [][]int{ 
    {3, 14}, 
    {5, 55}, 
  // ... 

Our table is a slice of slices of integer types. On each slice, the first integer represents the list size and the second position represents the item within the list. It is, effectively, a matrix. When passing 3, it must return 14. When passing 5, it must return 55. Then we have to iterate over the table and pass the first index of each array to the LaunchPipeline function:

  // ... 
  var res int 
  for _, test := range tableTest { 
    res = LaunchPipeline(test[0]) 
    if res != test[1] { 
    t.Logf("%d == %d
", res, test[1]) 

Using range, we get every row in the matrix . Each row is contained in a temporary variable called test. test[0] represents N and test[1] the expected result. We compare the expected result with the returning value of the LaunchPipeline function. If they aren't the same, the test fails:

go test -v .
=== RUN   TestLaunchPipeline
--- FAIL: TestLaunchPipeline (0.00s)
exit status 1


The key for our implementation is to separate every operation in a different Goroutine and connect them with channels. The LaunchPipeline function is the one that orchestrates them all, as shown in the following diagram:


The operation consist of three steps: generate a list of numbers, raise them to the power of 2, and add the resulting numbers.

Each step in this Pipeline pattern will have the following structure:

func functionName(in <-chan int) (<-chan int){ 
  out := make(chan bool, 100) 
  go func(){ 
    for v := range in { 
      // Do something with v and send it to channel out 
  return out 

This function represents a common step. Let's dissect it in the same order that the Go scheduler will probably take to execute it:

  1. The functionName function will commonly receive a channel to take values from (in <-chan int). We call it the in function, as in the word incoming. We can't send values through it within the scope of this function; that's why the arrow points out of the keyword chan.
  2. The functionName function returns a channel (<-chan in) that the function caller will only be allowed to take values from (again, represented by the arrow pointing out of the keyword chan). This also means that any value that goes through that channel must be generated within the scope of the function.
  3. In the first line of the function, we create a channel called out that will be the return of the function (point 2 in this list).
  4. Then, we will launch a new Goroutine. Its scope will enter into play after returning this function, so let's continue.
  5. We return the previously created out channel.
  6. Eventually, after finishing the execution of the function and returning the channel out, the Goroutine executes. It will take values from the in channel until it's closed. So the caller of this function is responsible for closing this channel, otherwise the Goroutine will never end!
  7. When the in channel is closed, the for loop finishes and we close the out channel. Any Goroutine making use of this channel will not receive any new values since the last that was sent.

The only step that doesn't completely fit this approach is the first step that receives a number, representing the upper threshold on the list instead of a channel of incoming values. So, if we code this operation for each step in our pipeline, the final diagram looks more like this:


Although the idea is exactly the same, now we can see that it's the function LaunchPipeline that is the one that is going to be receiving channels and sending them back to the next step in the Pipeline. Using this diagram, we can clearly see the flow of the pipeline creation by following the numbers of the arrows. A solid arrow represents a function call and a dashed arrow a channel.

Let's look a little more closely at the code.

The list generator

The first step in the operation is list generation. The list starts at 1 and we will receive an integer representing the higher threshold. We have to pass each number in the list to the next step:

func generator(max int) <-chan int { 
  outChInt := make(chan int, 100) 
  go func() { 
    for i := 1; i <= max; i++ { 
      outChInt <- i 
  return outChInt 

As we mentioned earlier, this is the pattern that we will follow in each step: create a channel, launch the Goroutine that will send the data through the channel, and immediately return the channel. This Goroutine will iterate from 1 to the max argument, which is the higher threshold for our list, and send each number through the channel. After sending every number, the channel is closed so that no more data can be sent through it, but the data already buffered can be retrieved.

Raising numbers to the power of 2

The second step will take every incoming number from the first step's channel (that is taken from the arguments) and raise it to the power of 2. Every result must be sent to the third step using a new channel:

func power(in <-chan int) <-chan int { 
  out := make(chan int, 100) 
  go func() { 
    for v := range in { 
      out <- v * v 
  return out 

We use the same pattern again: create a channel and launch the Goroutine while we return the created channel.


The for-range loop keeps taking values from a channel indefinitely until the channel is closed.

Final reduce operation

The third and final step receives every number from the second step and keeps adding them to a local value until the connection channel is closed:

func sum(in <-chan int) <-chan int { 
  out := make(chan int, 100) 
  go func() { 
    var sum int 
    for v := range in { 
      sum += v 
    out <- sum 
  return out 

The function sum also takes a channel as an argument (the one returned from step 2). It also follows the same pattern of creating a channel, launching the Goroutine, and returning a channel. Goroutine keeps adding values to a variable called sum until the in channel is closed. When the in channel is closed, the value of sum is sent to the out channel, and it's immediately closed.

Launching the Pipeline pattern

Finally, we can implement the LaunchPipeline function:

func LaunchPipeline(amount int) int { 
  firstCh := generator(amount) 
  secondCh := power(firstCh) 
  thirdCh := sum(secondCh) 
  result := <-thirdCh 
  return result 

The function generator first returns the channel that is passed to the power function. The power function returns the second channel that is passed to the sum function. The function sum finally returns the first channel that will receive a unique value, the result. Let's try to test this now:

go test -v .
=== RUN   TestLaunchPipeline
--- PASS: TestLaunchPipeline (0.00s)
        pipeline_test.go:18: 14 == 14
        pipeline_test.go:18: 55 == 55

Awesome! It's worth mentioning that the LaunchPipeline function doesn't need to allocate every channel, and can be rewritten like this:

func LaunchPipeline(amount int) int { 
  return <-sum(power(generator(amount))) 

The result of the generator function is passed directly to the power function and the result of power to sum functions.

Final words on the Pipeline pattern

With the Pipeline pattern, we can create really complex concurrent workflows in a very easy way. In our case, we created a linear workflow, but it could also have conditionals, pools, and fan-in and fan-out behavior. We will see some of these in the following chapter.

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