Displaying data using Freeboard.io

Now, we would like to actually display the recorded data inside a dashboard that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. For that, we are going to use a service that I love to use along with Dweet.io: Freeboard.io.

Let's get started with using Freeboard.io:

  1. First, create an account there by going to:


  2. Then, create a new dashboard, and inside this dashboard, create a new datasource. Link this datasource to your Dweet.io thing that you defined in the ESP8266 code:
    Displaying data using Freeboard.io
  3. Now create a new Gauge widget that we will use to display the temperature. Give it a name, and link it to the temperature field of our datasource:
    Displaying data using Freeboard.io

    This is the final result:

    Displaying data using Freeboard.io

You should see that the temperature data coming from the ESP8266 is logged every 10 seconds and is immediately displayed inside the Freeboard.io panel. Congratulations, you have built a very small and cheap and temperature sensor that logs data in the cloud!

You can then do the same with the humidity measurements and also display them on this dashboard:

Displaying data using Freeboard.io

It is also really easy to add other widgets to the dashboard. For example, you may want to plot the history of the temperature and humidity measurements. For that, there is a widget called Sparkline. You can create it just as you created the Gauge widget. Start with the temperature widget:

Displaying data using Freeboard.io

You can now do the same for the humidity:

Displaying data using Freeboard.io

This is the final result inside the dashboard:

Displaying data using Freeboard.io
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