Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266

In the last project of this chapter, we are going to see how to interact with Facebook from the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip, via Temboo. We will see how to simply post a status update, but you can use it to post something on a friend's wall, post data on a page, and much more!

  1. The first step is to create a Facebook app. You can do so by going to:

  2. From there, click on Add a New App:
    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266
  3. When the interface asks you for the type of app, choose Website:
    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266
  4. Then, give your app a name:
    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266
  5. You will then be asked for a URL. This doesn't matter (it won't be used by the project), and you can put whatever you wish:
    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266
  6. After that step, your app will be created. What you need to get here is the app ID and app secret, which should appear inside the application dashboard:
    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266
  7. Then, go to Setting, and find Client OAuth Settings. Add the URL given in this screenshot as a callback URL, by replacing the Temboo username:
    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266
  8. You're all set on the Facebook side! Now, go back to Temboo:

  9. This page will simply allow you to get a Facebook access token. First, enter the app ID (which you got earlier from the Facebook website) and scope (use publish_actions):
    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266
  10. After that, you will be asked to follow a link. Do so, authorize the app, and then go back to the final authorization page and enter all the required data:
    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266
  11. After clicking on Run, you will finally get your access token:
    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266
  12. Now, go to the Temboo library that we actually want to use, which is the library to publish a post on Facebook:

  13. From there, enter your access token, and also a message that you want the ESP8266 to post on your wall:
    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266

    This is how it should look at the end:

    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266
  14. You can then generate the code and download it. Just as earlier, there are only two things we'll need to modify inside the code. The only thing you need to modify here is the Wi-Fi library:
    #include <SPI.h>
    #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
    #include <Temboo.h>
    #include "TembooAccount.h" // Contains Temboo account information
  15. Then, inside the loop() function, we post the message on the Facebook wall at every iteration of the loop:
    if (numRuns <= maxRuns) {
        Serial.println("Running Post - Run #" + String(numRuns++));
        TembooChoreo PostChoreo(client);
        // Invoke the Temboo client
        // Set Temboo account credentials
        // Set Choreo inputs
        String MessageValue = "A simple message from the ESP8266!";
        PostChoreo.addInput("Message", MessageValue);
        String AccessTokenValue = "accessToken";
        PostChoreo.addInput("AccessToken", AccessTokenValue);
        // Identify the Choreo to run
        // Run the Choreo; when results are available, print them to serial;
        while(PostChoreo.available()) {
          char c =;
      delay(30000); // wait 30 seconds between Post calls
  16. It's now time to finally test this project! Upload the code to the board, and then check your Facebook profile. After a while, you should see a new post appearing on your wall, with the message we defined in the sketch:
    Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266

You can now use Temboo to post on Facebook using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip!

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