The GameSessionSaver class

This class has three public methods:

  • save: This saves a table to the user session
  • restore: This gets a table from the user session
  • reset: This deletes any table that may be in the session

The code of the class is the following:

public class GameSessionSaver { 
private static final String STATE_NAME = "GAME_STATE";
private HtmlTools html;
Table table;
ColorManager manager;

public void save(HttpSession session) {
Map<String,String> params = convertTableToMap();

public void reset(HttpSession session) {

public Map<String,String> restore(HttpSession session){
Map<String,String> map=
if( map == null ){ map = new HashMap<>(); }
return map;

private Map<String,String> convertTableToMap() {
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
for (int row = 0; row < table.nrOfRows(); row++) {
for (int column = 0;
column < table.nrOfColumns(); column++) {
return params;

When we save the session and convert the table to a map, we use a HashMap. The implementation in this case is important. The HashMap class implements the Serializable interface; therefore, we can be safe putting it to the session. This alone does not guarantee that everything in HashMap is Serializable. The keys and the values in our case are Strings, and fortunately, the String class also implements the Serializable interface. This way, the converted HashMap object can be safely stored in the session.

Also note that, although serialization can be slow, storing HashMap in a session is so frequent that it implements its own serialization mechanism. This implementation is optimized and avoids serialization being dependent on the internal structure of the map.

It is time to think about why we have the convertTableToMap method in this class and buildGameFromMap in MastermindHandler. Converting the game and the table in it to a Map and the other way round should be implemented together. They are just two directions of the same conversion. On the other hand, the implementation of the Table to Map direction should use a Map version that is Serializable. This is very much related to session handling. Converting a Map object, in general, to a Table object is one level higher, restoring the table from wherever it was stored: client, session, database, or in the moisture of the cloud. Session storage is only one possible implementation, and methods should be implemented in the class that meets the abstraction level.
The best solution could be to implement these in a separate class. You have homework!

The reset method is not used from the handler. This is invoked from the Mastermind class, that is, the servlet class to reset the game when we start it:

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, 
HttpServletResponse response)
throws ServletException, IOException {
GameSessionSaver sessionSaver = new GameSessionSaver();
doPost(request, response);

Without this, playing the game against the machine once would just display the finished game every time we want to start it again, until we exit the browser and restart it or explicitly delete the JSESSIONID cookie somewhere in the advanced menu of the browser. Calling reset does not delete the session. The session remains the same, and thus the value of JSESSIONID too, but the game is deleted from the session object that the servlet container maintains.

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