Software deployment in Python

As mentioned earlier, Python developers are richly blessed in the various tools offered by Python, and its third-party ecosystem in easing and automating the deployment of applications and code written using Python.

In this section, we will briefly take a look at some of these tools.

Packaging Python code

Python comes with built in support for packaging applications for a variety of distributions—source, binary, and specific OS-level packaging.

The primary way of packaging source code in Python is to write a file. The source can then be packaged with the help of the in-built distutils library, or the more sophisticated and rich setuptools framework.

Before we get introduced to the guts of Python packaging, let us get familiar with a couple of closely related tools, namely, pip and virtualenv.


PIP stands for the recursive acronym PIP installs packages. Pip is the standard and suggested tool to install packages in Python.

We've seen PIP in action throughout this book, but so far, we've never seen pip itself getting installed, have we?

Let's see this in the following screenshot:


Downloading and installing pip for Python3

The pip installation script is available at

The steps should be self-explanatory.


In the preceding example, there was already a pip version, so the action upgraded the existing version instead of doing a fresh install. We can see the version details by trying the program with the –version option, as follows:

Take a look at the following screenshot:


Printing the current version of pip (pip3)

See how pip clearly prints its version number along with the directory location of the installation, plus the Python version for which it is installed.


To distinguish between pip for the Python2 and Python3 versions, remember that the version installed for Python3 is always named pip3. The Python2 version is pip2 , or just pip.

To install a package using PIP, simply provide the package name via the command install. For example, the following screenshot shows installing the numpy package using pip:


We will not go into further details of using pip here. Instead, let's take a look at another tool that works closely with pip in installing the Python software.


Virtualenv is a tool that allows developers to create sand-boxed Python environments for local development. Let's say that you want to maintain two different versions of a particular library or framework for two different applications you are developing side by side.

If you are going to install everything to the system Python, then you can keep only one version at a given time. The other option is to create different system Python installations in different root folders—say, /opt instead of /usr. However, this creates additional overhead and management headaches of paths. Also, it wouldn't be possible to get write permission to these folders if you want the version dependency to be maintained on a shared host where you don't have superuser permissions.

Virtualenv solves the problems of permissions and versions in one go. It creates a local installation directory with its own Python executable standard library and installer (defaults to pip).

Once the developer has activated the virtual environment thus created, any further installations goes to this environment instead of the system Python environment.

Virtualenv can be installed using pip.

The following screenshot shows creating a virtualenv named appvenv using the virtualenv command, and activating the environment along with installing a package to the environment.


The installation also installs PIP, setuptools, and other dependencies.



See how the python and pip commands point to the ones inside the virtual environment. The pip –version command clearly shows the path of pip inside the virtual environment folder.

From Python 3.3 onwards, support for virtual environments is built into the Python installation via the new venv library.

The following screenshot shows installing a virtual environment in Python 3.5 using this library, and installing some packages into it. As usual, take a look at Python and pip executable paths:



The preceding screenshot also shows how to upgrade pip itself via the pip command.

Virtualenv and pip

Once you've set up a virtual environment for your application(s) and installed the required packages, it is a good idea to generate the dependencies and their versions. This can be easily done via the following command using pip:

$ pip freeze

This command asks pip to output a list of all the installed Python packages along with their versions. This can be saved to a requirements file, and the setup duplicated on the server for mirroring deployments:

Virtualenv and pip

The following screenshot shows recreating the same setup in another virtual environment via the -r option of the pip install command, which accepts such a file as input:

Virtualenv and pip


Our source virtual environment was in Python2, and the target was in Python3. However, pip was able to install the dependencies from the requirements.txt file without any issues whatsoever.

Relocatable virtual environments

The suggested way to copy package dependencies from one virtual environment to another is to perform a freeze, and install via pip as illustrated in the previous section. For example, this is the most common way to freeze Python package requirements from a development environment, and recreate it successfully on a production server.

One can also try and make a virtual environment relocatable so that it can be archived and moved to a compatible system:

Relocatable virtual environments

Creating a relocatable virtual environment

Here is how it works:

  1. First, the virtual environment is created as usual.
  2. It is then made relocatable by running virtualenv –relocatable lenv on it.
  3. This changes some of the paths used by setuptools as relative paths, and sets up the system to be relocatable.
  4. Such a virtual environment is relocatable to another folder in the same machine, or to a folder in a remote and similar machine.


A relocatable virtual environment doesn't guarantee that it will work if the remote environment differs from the machine environment. For example, if your remote machine is a different architecture, or even uses a different Linux distribution with another type of packaging, the relocation will fail to work. This is what is meant by the words similar machine.


We learned that PIP is the standardized tool to do package installations in Python. It is able to pick up any package by name as long as it exists. It is also able to install packages by version, as we saw with the example of the requirements file.

But where does PIP fetch its packages from?

To answer this, we turn to the Python Package Index, more commonly known as PyPI.

Python Package Index (PyPI) is the official repository for hosting metadata for third-party Python packages on the Web. As the name implies, it is an index to the Python packages on the Web whose metadata is published and indexed on a server. PyPI is hosted at the URL

PyPI hosts close to a million packages at present. The packages are submitted to PyPI using Python's packaging and distribution tools, distutils, and setuptools, which have hooks for publishing package metadata to PyPI. A number of packages also host the actual package data in PyPI, although PyPI can be used to point to package data sitting in a URL on another server.

When you install a package using pip, it actually performs the search for the package on PyPI, and downloads the metadata. It uses the metadata to find out the package's download URL and other information, such as further downstream dependencies, which it uses to fetch and install the package for you.

Here is a screenshot of PyPI, which shows the actual count of the packages at the time of writing this:


A developer can do quite a few things directly on the PyPI site:

  1. Register using e-mail address and log in to the site.
  2. After logging in, submit your package directly on the site.
  3. Search for packages via keywords.
  4. Browse for packages via a number of top-level trove classifiers, such as Topics, Platforms/Operating Systems, Development Status, Licenses, and so on.

Now that we are familiar with the suite of all Python packaging and installation tools and their relationships, let us try out a small example of packaging a trivial Python module and submitting it to PyPI.

Packaging and submission of an application

Remember that we had developed a mandelbrot program, which uses pymp to scale, in Chapter 5, Writing Applications that Scale. We will use it as an example of a program to develop a package, and a file, which we will use to submit the application to PyPI.

We will package the mandelbrot application in a main package consisting of two sub-packages as follows:

  • mandelbrot.simple: The sub-package (sub-module) consisting of the basic implementation of mandelbrot
  • The sub package (sub-module) having the PyMP implementation of mandelbrot

Here is our folder structure for the package:

Packaging and submission of an application

Folder layout of the mandelbrot package

Let us quickly analyze the folder structure of the application which we will be packaging:

  • The top directory is named mandelbrot. It has an, a README, and a file.
  • This directory has two sub directories—mp and simple.
  • Each of these subfolders consists of two files, namely, and These subfolders will form our sub-modules, each containing the respective implementation of the mandelbrot set.


For the purpose of installing the mandelbrot modules as executable scripts, the code has been changed to add a main method to each of our modules.

The files

The files allow to convert a folder inside a Python application as a package. Our folder structure has three of them: the first one is for the top-level package mandelbrot, and the rest two for each of the sub-packages, namely, mandelbrot.simple and

The top-level is empty. The other two have the following single line:

from . import mandelbrot


The relative imports are to make sure that the sub-packages are importing the local module instead of the top-level mandelbrot package.

The file

The file is the central point of the entire package. Let us take a look at it:

from setuptools import setup, find_packages
    name = "mandelbrot",
    version = "0.1",
    author = "Anand B Pillai",
    author_email = "[email protected]",
    description = ("A program for generating Mandelbrot fractal images"),
    license = "BSD",
    keywords = "fractal mandelbrot example chaos",
    url = "",
    packages = find_packages(),
        "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
        "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization",
        "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License",
    install_requires = [
    entry_points = {
        'console_scripts': [
            'mandelbrot = mandelbrot.simple.mandelbrot:main',
            'mandelbrot_mp ='

A full discussion of the file is outside the scope of this chapter, but do note these few key points:

  • The file allows the author to create a lot of package metadata such as name, author name, e-mail, package keywords, and others. These are useful in creating the package meta information, which helps people to search for the package in PyPI once it's submitted.
  • One of the main fields in this file is packages, which is the list of packages (and sub-packages) that is created by this file. We make use of the find_packages helper function provided by the setuptools module to do this.
  • We provide the installment requirements in the install-requires key, which lists the dependencies one by one in a PIP-like format.
  • The entry_points key is used to configure the console scripts (executable programs) that this package installs. Let us look at one of them:
    mandelbrot = mandelbrot.simple.mandelbrot:main

    This tells the package resource loader to load the module named mandelbrot.simple.mandelbrot, and execute its function main when the script mandelbrot is invoked.

Installing the package

The package can be now installed using this command:

$ python install

The following screenshot of the installation shows a few of the initial steps:

Installing the package


We have installed this package to a virtual environment named env3.

Submitting the package to PyPI

The file plus setuptools/distutils ecosystem in Python is useful, not just to install and package code, but also to submit code to the Python package index.

It is very easy to register your package to PyPI. There are just the following two requirements:

  • A package with a proper file
  • An account on the PyPI website

We will now submit our new mandelbrot package to PyPI by performing the following steps:

  1. First, one needs to create a .pypirc file in one's home directory containing some details—mainly the authentication details for the PyPI account.

    Here is the author's .pypirc file with the password obscured:

    Submitting the package to PyPI
  2. Once this is done, registration is as simple as running with the register command:
    $ python register

    The next screenshot shows the actual command in action on the console:

    Submitting the package to PyPI

    However, this last step has only registered the package by submitting its metadata. No package data, as in the source code data, has been submitted as part of this step.

  3. To submit the source code also to PyPI, the following command should be run:
    $ python sdist upload
    Submitting the package to PyPI

    Here's a view of our new package on the PyPI server:

    Submitting the package to PyPI

    Now the package is installable via pip, completing the cycle of software development: that is, first packaging, then deployment, and finally, installation.


Python Packaging Authority (PyPA) is a working group of Python developers who maintain the standards and the relevant applications related to packaging in Python.yPA has their website at, and they maintain the application on GitHub at

The following table lists the projects that are maintained by PyPA. You've already seen some of these, such as pip, virtualenv, and setuptools; others may be new:




A collection of enhancements to Python distutils


A tool for creating sandbox Python environments


A tool for installing Python packages


Core Python utilities for packaging used by pip and setuptools


An extension to setuptools for creating wheel distributions, which are an alternative to Python eggs (ZIP files) and specified in PEP 427


A secure replacement for upload


The new PyPI application, which can be seen at


A low-level library implementing functions relating to packaging and distribution of Python code


A PyPI mirroring client to mirror the contents of PyPI

Interested developers can go visit the PyPA site and sign up for one of the projects - and contribute to them in terms of testing, submitting patches and so on by visiting the github repository of PyPA.

Remote deployments using Fabric

Fabric is a command-line tool and library written in Python, which helps to automate remote deployments on servers via a set of well-defined wrappers over the SSH protocol. It uses the ssh-wrapper library, paramiko, behind the scenes.

Fabric works with Python 2.x versions only. However, there is a fork Fabric3 which works for both the Python 2.x and 3.x versions.

When using fabric, a DevOps user usually deploys his remote system administrator commands as Python functions in a fabfile named as

Fabric works best when the remote systems are already configured with the ssh public keys of the user's machine from where he performs deployments, so there is no need to supply a username and password.

Here is an example of remote deployment on a server. In this case, we are installing our mandelbrot application on a remote server.

The fabfile looks as follows. See that it is written for Python3:

from fabric.api import run

def remote_install(application):
    print ('Installing',application)
    run('sudo pip install ' + application)

Here is an example of running this, installing it on a remote server:

Remote deployments using Fabric

DevOps engineers and system administrators can use a predefined set of fabfiles for automating different system and application deployment tasks across multiple servers.


Though it is written in Python, Fabric can be used to automate deployment of any kind of remote server administration and configuration tasks.

Remote deployments using Ansible

Ansible is a configuration management and deployment tool written in Python. Ansible can be thought of as a wrapper over SSH with scripts with support for orchestration via tasks which can be assembled in easy-to-manage units called playbooks which map a group of hosts to a set of roles.

Ansible uses "facts" which are system and environment information it gathers before it runs tasks. It uses the facts to check if there is any need to change any state before running a task to get the desired outcome.

This makes it safe for Ansible tasks to be run on a server in a repeated fashion. Well-written Ansible tasks are idempotent in that they have zero to few side effects on the remote system.

Ansible is written in Python and can be installed using pip.

It uses its own hosts file, namely /etc/ansible/hosts to keep the host information against which it runs its tasks.

A typical ansible host file may look as follows:



The following is a snippet from an Ansible playbook named dependencies.yaml which installs a few Python packages via pip on a remote host named webkaffeStyle :

- hosts: webkaffe
    - name: Pip - Install Python Dependencies
          name="{{ python_packages_to_install | join(' ') }}"

          - Flask
          - Bottle
          - bokeh

Here is an image of running this playbook on the command line using ansible-playbook:

Remote deployments using Ansible

Ansible is an easy and efficient way of managing remote dependencies and, due to its idempotent playbooks, is much better than Fabric at the task.

Managing remote daemons using Supervisor

Supervisor is a client/server system, which is useful to control processes on Unix and Unix-like systems. It consists mainly of a server daemon process named supervisord and a command-line client, which interacts with the server named supervisorctl.

Supervisor also comes with a basic webserver, which can be accessed via port 9001. It is possible to view the state of running processes, and also to start/stop them via this interface. Supervisor doesn't run on any version of Windows.

Supervisor is an application written using Python, and hence, is installable via pip. It runs only on Python 2.x versions.

Applications to be managed via supervisor should be configured via the supervisor daemons configuration file. By default, such files sit in the /etc/supervisor.d/conf folder.

However, it is possible to run Supervisor locally by installing it to a virtual environment, and keeping the configuration local to the virtual environment. In fact, this is a common way to run multiple supervisor daemons, each managing processes specific to the virtual environment.

We won't go into details or examples of using Supervisor, but here are some benefits of using Supervisor vs a traditional approach like system rc.d scripts:

  • Decoupling process creation/management and process control can be achieved by using a client/server system. The supervisor.d file manages the processes via subprocesses. The user can get the process state information via supervisorctl, the client. Also, whereas most traditional rc.d processes require root or sudo access, supervisor processes can be controlled by normal users of the system via the client or through the web UI.
  • Since supervisord starts processes via subprocesses, they can be configured to automatically restart upon crash. It is also easier to get a more accurate status of the subprocesses rather than relying on PID files.
  • Supervisor supports process groups allowing users to define processes in a priority order. Processes can be started and stopped in a specific order as a group. This allows implementation of a fine-grained process control when there is a temporal dependency between creation of processes in an application. (Process B requires A to be running, C requires B to be running, and the like.)

We will complete the discussion in this chapter with an overview of the common deployment patterns, which an architect can choose from to solve common issues with deployability.

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