
Serverless is not actually serverless. It means that users only need to manage code/applications and not servers. The server will be managed by the service provider. We as users only pay when our code or function is executed in the serverless or in a server that is not managed by us. Scaling is based on request and pricing differs based on the service provider.

AWS Lambda and Azure Functions are two examples of serverless computing or Function as a Service. Azure Functions enable us to create serveless applications in the Microsoft Azure environment. Azure Functions are open sourced and available on GitHub. They support different languages such as C#, F#, Node.js, Python, PHP, batch, bash, or PowerShell.

It is always best to focus on building innovative applications that help businesses to grow in different dimensions. So, it is important to de-focus from provisioning, managing and maintaining servers, managing high availability, and configuring security. Azure Functions allow us to focus on building applications with a serverless architecture.

Additionally, if we can utilize DevOps practices such as Continuous Integration, Continuous Monitoring, and Continuous Delivery with approval mechanisms using Visual Studio Team Services, that is the a cherry on the cake, isn't It?

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