Using an event with an Azure Function

Events are things that trigger our Azure Functions to run. Events can be HTTP endpoints, message queues, blob updates, and cron-scheduled events. To elaborate more by giving an example, what if you want to be notified when a file is uploaded on blob storage or you want to immediately process a file when it is uploaded to blob storage?

The following diagram shows how the Azure Function works, which gets triggered when an event occurs:

The following are the types of event that cause the function to run:

  • HTTP Trigger: This is an event that causes the function to run whenever it receives an HTTP request.
  • Timer Trigger: This type of trigger is run on the basis of a schedule. We can set the time for the trigger and the function runs at that specified time.
  • Queue Trigger: The Azure Function will run whenever a message is added to a specified Azure queue storage.
  • Blob Trigger: The Azure Function will run whenever a blob is added to a specified container, for example, uploading an image in storage.
  • EventHub Trigger: The Azure Function will run whenever an event hub receives a new event.
  • ServiceBus Queue Trigger: In this case, the Azure Function will be triggered whenever a message is added to a specified service bus queue.
  • ServiceBus Topic Trigger: This is same as the ServiceBus Queue Trigger. The Azure Function will be triggered whenever a topic is added to a specified service bus topic.
  • Generic Webhook Trigger: In this case, the Azure Function runs whenever it receives a Webhook request.
  • GitHub Webhook Trigger: This trigger runs the Azure Function whenever it receives a GitHub Webhook request, for example, commit, create branch, push, or pull code from GitHub. GitHub has the option to create a Webhook for a particular action performed on GitHub.
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