Publishing components on AppExchange

Publishing components on AppExchange require the following steps:

  1. Signup for a partner agreement with Salesforce. You can begin the process on their website:
  2. Once you sign the agreement, you get access to the publishing console. In the publishing console, find the ORGANIZATIONS tab and connect your Salesforce packaging Org with the package to the console using Connect Organization:
  1. From the PACKAGES tab, you will see your listing. From here, you can create the listing and Security Review process:
  1. Create the Salesforce listing and if it is purely a Lightning Component, choose the category as Lightning Component:
  1. Follow the prompts. A listing requires a security review and assets such as documentation, videos that shows demos, and other marketing assets.
  2. Once your component passes the security review and adheres to guidelines from Salesforce, your app will appear on the AppExchange.
Salesforce provides a License Management (LMA) application if your app is paid, where you can track leads, details about customers, Orgs that install your component, and you can manage your licenses. It's outside the scope of this book to cover all the details of the marketing assets needed for the listing. Reach out to Salesforce for any queries on their partner program and any monetization ideas you have for your app.
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