Enabling the developer hub

You will need to perform the steps that follow in your business or in your production organization to enable the developer hub.

Salesforce also provides a trial edition of the Dev Hub for developers to experiment with. To start using the trial edition of the developer hub, create a Salesforce instance using the URL https://developer.Salesforce.com/promotions/Orgs/dx-signup. Note that your trial edition is valid only for 30 days, but that should be sufficient time for you to play with and explore Salesforce DX.

Carry out the following steps:

  1. Log in to your production Org (if you're a customer), your business Org (if you're an ISV), or your trial Org as the system administrator
  2. From Setup, enter Dev Hub in the Quick Find box and select Dev Hub
  3. Click Non-GA Service Agreement to read the service agreement
  4. To enable the Dev Hub, click Enable
  5. After you have enabled the Dev Hub, you can't disable it. If you're using a trial Org, Dev Hub is already enabled
  6. The following screenshot shows the tabs that are visible in the developer hub. The Namespace Registry allows you to find the namespaces you have used for your managed package applications:
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