
The code in this source file is generic logic, which might be shared across multiple requests:

It is generally a good practice to identify the logic that is not tied to one particular handler and then move it into common.go or similar source files, as this would make them easier to find and reduce duplicated code.
// restServer/books-handler/common.go 
package booksHandler 
import ( 
// bookResource is used to hold all data needed to represent a Book resource in the books map. 
type bookResource struct { 
    Id    string 'json:"id"' 
    Title string 'json:"title"' 
    Link  string 'json:"link"' 
// requestPayload is used to parse request's Payload. We ignore Id field for simplicity. 
type requestPayload struct { 
    Title string 'json:"title"' 
    Link  string 'json:"link"' 
// response struct consists of all the information required to create the correct HTTP response. 
type response struct { 
    StatusCode int 
    Books      []bookResource 
// Action struct is used to send data to the goroutine managing the state (map) of books. 
// RetChan allows us to send data back to the Handler function so that we can complete the HTTP request. 
type Action struct { 
    Id      string 
    Type    string 
    Payload requestPayload 
    RetChan chan<- response 
// GetBooks is used to get the initial state of books represented by a map. 
func GetBooks() map[string]bookResource { 
    books := map[string]bookResource{} 
    for i := 1; i < 6; i++ { 
        id := fmt.Sprintf("%d", i) 
        books[id] = bookResource{ 
            Id:    id, 
            Title: fmt.Sprintf("Book-%s", id), 
            Link:  fmt.Sprintf("", id), 
    return books 
// MakeHandler shows a common pattern used reduce duplicated code. 
func MakeHandler(fn func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, string, string, chan<- Action), 
    endpoint string, actionCh chan<- Action) http.HandlerFunc { 
    return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { 
        path := r.URL.Path 
        method := r.Method 
        msg := fmt.Sprintf("Received request [%s] for path: [%s]", method, path) 
        id := path[len(endpoint):] 
        log.Println("ID is ", id) 
        fn(w, r, id, method, actionCh) 
// writeResponse uses the pattern similar to MakeHandler. 
func writeResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, resp response) { 
    var err error 
    var serializedPayload []byte 
    if len(resp.Books) == 1 { 
        serializedPayload, err = json.Marshal(resp.Books[0]) 
    } else { 
        serializedPayload, err = json.Marshal(resp.Books) 
    if err != nil { 
        writeError(w, http.StatusInternalServerError) 
        fmt.Println("Error while serializing payload: ", err) 
    } else { 
        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") 
// writeError allows us to return error message in JSON format. 
func writeError(w http.ResponseWriter, statusCode int) { 
    jsonMsg := struct { 
        Msg  string 'json:"msg"' 
        Code int    'json:"code"' 
        Code: statusCode, 
        Msg:  http.StatusText(statusCode), 
    if serializedPayload, err := json.Marshal(jsonMsg); err != nil { 
        http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusInternalServerError), http.StatusInternalServerError) 
        fmt.Println("Error while serializing payload: ", err) 
    } else { 
        w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json") 
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