Now that we know how to send payload to a server using cURL, let's create a new book resource item:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -LX POST -d '{"title":"Ultra New Book", "link": "Ultra New Link"}' localhost:8080/api/books/ | jq # POST ie., create a new resource. 
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current 
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed 
100   111  100    59  100    52    99k  89655 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 59000 
  "id": "6", 
  "title": "Ultra New Book", 
  "link": "Ultra New Link" 
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current 
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed 
100    46  100    46    0     0   8234      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  9200 
100   301  100   301    0     0  46414      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 46414 
    "id": "4", 
    "title": "New Book Title", 
    "link": "New Link" 
    "id": "5", 
    "title": "Book-5", 
    "link": "" 
    "id": "1", 
    "title": "Book-1", 
    "link": "" 
    "id": "6", 
    "title": "Ultra New Book", 
    "link": "Ultra New Link" 
    "id": "3", 
    "title": "Book-3", 
    "link": "" 

Here are the commands for quick reference:

  • curl -L localhost:8080/api/books | jq # GET CALL
  • curl localhost:8080/api/books/3 | jq # GET a single resource.
  • curl -LX DELETE localhost:8080/api/books/2 | jq # DELETE a resource.
  • curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -LX PUT -d '{"title": "New Book Title", "link": "New Link"}' localhost:8080/api/books/4 | jq
  • curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -LX POST -d '{"title":"Ultra New Book", "link": "Ultra New Link"}' localhost:8080/api/books/ | jq # POST ie., create a new resource.

And the following is the server's console output:

$ go run main.go 
2017/10/09 21:07:50 map[5:{Id:5 Title:Book-5 Link:} 1:{Id:1 Title:Book-1 Link:} 2:{Id:2 Title:Book-2 Link:} 3:{Id:3 Title:Book-3 Link:} 4:{Id:4 Title:Book-4 Link:}] 
2017/10/09 21:07:50 Starting server at port 8080... 
2017/10/09 21:07:56 Received request [GET] for path: [/api/books/] 
2017/10/09 21:07:56 ID is 
2017/10/09 21:09:18 Received request [GET] for path: [/api/books/3] 
2017/10/09 21:09:18 ID is  3 
2017/10/09 21:11:38 Received request [DELETE] for path: [/api/books/2] 
2017/10/09 21:11:38 ID is  2 
2017/10/09 21:11:38 Resource ID 2 deleted: [{Id:2 Title:Book-2 Link:}] 
2017/10/09 21:12:16 Received request [GET] for path: [/api/books/] 
2017/10/09 21:12:16 ID is 
2017/10/09 21:15:22 Received request [PUT] for path: [/api/books/4] 
2017/10/09 21:15:22 ID is  4 
2017/10/09 21:16:01 Received request [GET] for path: [/api/books/] 
2017/10/09 21:16:01 ID is 
2017/10/09 21:17:07 Received request [POST] for path: [/api/books/] 
2017/10/09 21:17:07 ID is 
2017/10/09 21:17:36 Received request [GET] for path: [/api/books/] 
2017/10/09 21:17:36 ID is 
An important thing to keep in mind is that even though we use redirection flag -L, for POST requests the body will not be sent. We need to make sure that we are sending it to finally resolved endpoint.

This should give us the basic idea of how to use a REST client.

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