
A quantifier is used to repeat an element; three of the quantifiers have already been introduced: *, +, and ?. The quantifiers are as follows:




The preceding character repeated zero or more times


'abc'-match 'a*'

'abc'-match '.*'

The preceding character repeated one or more times


'abc'-match 'a+'

'abc'-match '.+'

Optional character


'abc' -match 'ab?c'

'ac' -match 'ab?c'

A fixed number of characters


'abbbc' -match 'ab{3}c'

A number of characters within a range


'abc' -match 'ab{1,3}c'

'abbc' -match 'ab{1,3}c'

'abbbc' -match 'ab{1,3}c'

No less than a number of characters


'abbc' -match 'ab{2,}c'

'abbbbbc' -match 'ab{2,}c'

Each *, +, and ? can be described using a curly brace notation:

  • * is the same as {0,}
  • + is the same as {1,}
  • ? is the same as {0,1}

It is extremely uncommon to find examples where the functionality of special characters is replaced with curly braces. It is equally uncommon to find examples where the quantifier {1} is used as it adds unnecessary complexity to an expression.

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