Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL), is used to describe the content of a security descriptor as a string.

A security descriptor returned by Get-Acl has a method that can convert the entire security descriptor to a string:

PS> (Get-Acl C:).GetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm('All')

A security descriptor defined using SDDL can also be imported. If the sddlString variable is assumed to hold a valid security descriptor, the following command might be used:

$acl = Get-Acl C: 

The imported security descriptor will not apply to the directory until Set-Acl is used.

WMI security descriptors can be converted to and from different formats, including SDDL. WMI has a specialized class for this: Win32_SecurityDescriptorHelper. The methods for the class are as shown following:

PS> (Get-CimClass Win32_SecurityDescriptorHelper).CimClassMethods
Name ReturnType Parameters Qualifiers
---- ---------- ---------- ----------
Win32SDToSDDL UInt32 {Descriptor, SDDL} {implemented, static}
Win32SDToBinarySD UInt32 {Descriptor, BinarySD} {implemented, static}
SDDLToWin32SD UInt32 {SDDL, Descriptor} {implemented, static}
SDDLToBinarySD UInt32 {SDDL, BinarySD} {implemented, static}
BinarySDToWin32SD UInt32 {BinarySD, Descriptor} {implemented, static}
BinarySDToSDDL UInt32 {BinarySD, SDDL} {implemented, static}

A WMI security descriptor might be converted to SDDL to create a backup before making a change:

$security = Get-CimInstance __SystemSecurity -Namespace rootcimv2 
$return = $security | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName GetSecurityDescriptor 
$aclObject = $return.Descriptor 
$return = Invoke-CimMethod Win32_SecurityDescriptorHelper -MethodName Win32SDToSDDL -Arguments @{ 
    Descriptor = $aclObject 

If the operation succeeds (that is, if the ReturnValue is 0), the security descriptor in SDDL form will be available:

PS> $return.SDDL

A security descriptor expressed as an SDDL string can be imported:

$sddl = 'O:BAG:BAD:AR(A;CI;CCDCWP;;;S-1-5-21-2114566378-1333126016-908539190-1001)(A;CI;CCDCLCSWRPWPRCWD;;;BA)(A;CI;CCDCRP;;;NS)(A;CI;CCDCRP;;;LS)(A;CI;CCDCRP;;;AU)' 
$return = Invoke-CimMethod Win32_SecurityDescriptorHelper -MethodName SDDLToWin32SD -Arguments @{ 
    SDDL = $sddl 
$aclObject = $return.Descriptor 

If the ReturnValue is 0, the aclObject variable will contain the imported security descriptor:

PS> $aclObject

ControlFlags : 33028
DACL : {Win32_ACE, Win32_ACE, Win32_ACE, Win32_ACE...}
Group : Win32_Trustee
Owner : Win32_Trustee
PSComputerName :
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