Testing for insecure headers

We've previously seen how the HTTP responses can be a great source of information for enumerating the underlying web framework in place. We are now going to take this to the next level by using the HTTP header information to test for insecure web server configurations and flagging up anything that can lead to a vulnerability.

Getting ready

For this recipe, you will need a list of URLs that you want to test for insecure headers. Save these into a text file called urls.txt, with each URL on a new line, alongside your recipe.

How to do it…

The following code will highlight any vulnerable headers received in the HTTP response from each of the target URLs:

import requests

urls = open("urls.txt", "r")
for url in urls:
  url = url.strip()
  req = requests.get(url)
  print url, 'report:'

    xssprotect = req.headers['X-XSS-Protection']
    if  xssprotect != '1; mode=block':
      print 'X-XSS-Protection not set properly, XSS may be possible:', xssprotect
    print 'X-XSS-Protection not set, XSS may be possible'

    contenttype = req.headers['X-Content-Type-Options']
    if contenttype != 'nosniff':
      print 'X-Content-Type-Options not set properly:',  contenttype
    print 'X-Content-Type-Options not set'

    hsts = req.headers['Strict-Transport-Security']
    print 'HSTS header not set, MITM attacks may be possible'

    csp = req.headers['Content-Security-Policy']
    print 'Content-Security-Policy set:', csp
    print 'Content-Security-Policy missing'

  print '----'

How it works…

This recipe is configured for testing many sites, so the first part reads in the URLs from the text file and prints out the current target:

urls = open("urls.txt", "r")
for url in urls:
  url = url.strip()
  req = requests.get(url)
  print url, 'report:'

Each header is then tested inside a try/except block. This is similar to the previous recipe in which this coding style is needed because the headers are not mandatory. If we attempted to reference a key for a header that doesn't exist, Python would raise an exception.

The first X-XSS-Protection header should be set to 1; mode=block to enable XSS protection in the browser. The script prints out a warning if the header does not explicitly match that format or if it's not set:

    xssprotect = req.headers['X-XSS-Protection']
    if  'xssprotect' != '1; mode=block':
      print 'X-XSS-Protection not set properly, XSS may be possible'
    print 'X-XSS-Protection not set, XSS may be possible'

The next X-Content-Type-Options header should be set to nosniff to prevent MIME type confusion. A MIME type specifies the content of the target resource, for example, text/plain means the remote resource should be a text file. Some web browsers attempt to guess the MIME type of a resource if it's not specified. This can lead to Cross-site scripting attacks; if a resource contains a malicious script, but it only indicates to be a plain text file, it may bypass content filters and be executed. This check will print a warning if the header is not set or if the response does not explicitly match to nosniff:

    contenttype = req.headers['X-Content-Type-Options']
    if contenttype != 'nosniff':
      print 'X-Content-Type-Options not set properly'
    print 'X-Content-Type-Options not set'

The next Strict-Transport-Security header is used to force communication over a HTTPS channel, to prevent man in the middle (MITM) attacks. The lack of this header means that the communication channel could be downgraded to HTTP by an MITM attack:

    hsts = req.headers['Strict-Transport-Security']
    print 'HSTS header not set, MITM attacks may be possible'

The final Content-Security-Policy header is used to restrict the type of resources that can load on the web page, for example, restricting where JavaScript can run:

    csp = req.headers['Content-Security-Policy']
    print 'Content-Security-Policy set:', csp
    print 'Content-Security-Policy missing'

The output from the recipe is shown in the following screenshot:

How it works…
..................Content has been hidden....................

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