Developing scripts and identifying errors

Before we jump into creating large-scale scripts, you need to understand the errors that can be produced. If you start creating scripts and generating a bunch of errors, you may get discouraged. Keep in mind that Python does a pretty good job at directing you to what you need to look at. Often, however, the producer of the error is either right before the line referenced or the function called. This in turn can be misleading, so to prevent discouragement, you should understand the definitions that Python may reference in the errors.

Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions

Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions are also known as prohibited, which means that the name cannot be used as a variable or function. If the word or function is reused, an error will be shown. There are set words and built-in functions natively within Python, and depending on the version you are using, they can change. You should not worry too much about this now, but if you see errors related to the definitions of variables or values, consider the fact that you may be using a keyword or built-in function.


More details about keywords and built-in functions can be found at

Here are some examples of Python keywords and some brief definitions. These are described in detail throughout the rest of the chapter:

Example keyword



A type of Python loop used mostly for iterations


The definition of a function that will be created in the current script


A method of evaluating a statement and determining a resulting course of action


A follow-on evaluation for an if statement, which allows more than two different outcomes


The manner in which libraries are imported


The statement to output data to Standard Out (STDOUT)


A conditional handler test

If you want to confirm a name as a keyword, fire up the interactive interpreter and set a variable to the specific keyword name. Then, run it through the function of keyword. If it returns true, then you know it is a keyword; if it returns false, you know it is not. Refer to the following screenshot to better understand this concept:

Reserved words, keywords, and built-in functions

Global and local variables

Global variables are defined outside of functions, and local variables are defined within a specific function. This is important because if the name is reused within a function, its value will remain only within that function—typically. If you wished to change the value of a global variable, you could call the global version with the global keyword and set a new value. This practice should be avoided, if at all possible. As an example of local and global variable usage, see this code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

hacker = "me"

def local_variable_example():
    hacker = "you"
    print("The local variable is %s") % (hacker)

print("The global variable is %s") % (hacker)

The following output of this script shows the printing of the local variable hacker within the local_variable_example function example. Then, we have the printing of the global variable hacker after the function has been executed.

Global and local variables


The preceding example shows how to insert a value into a string through a variable. Further along in this chapter, several methods of doing this are provided.

Understanding a namespace

The basic idea of a variable in Python is a name; these names reside in a bucket. Every module or script receives its own global namespace, and the names reside in this bucket, which is called the namespace. This means that when a name is used, it is reserved for a specific purpose. If you use it again, it is going to result in one of two things: either you are going to overwrite the value or you are going to see an error.

Modules and imports

Within Python, a library or module can be imported to execute a specific task or supplement functionality. When you have written your own script, you can import a script as a module to be used within a new script. There are a couple of ways of doing this, and each way has its benefits and disadvantages:

import module

This allows you to import a module and use it and functions by referencing them similar to a function. As an example, you could reference the module and the function within the module as module.function(). This means that your namespace is kept simple and you do not have to worry about overwrites and collisions, unlike the following method:

from module import *

This is very commonly seen in Python scripts and examples on the Internet. The danger is that all functions or functions within the module are brought in directly. This means that if you defined a function within your script named hacker_tool and hacker_tool (the imported module contains a module with the same name), you could get a namespace collision and produce multiple errors. At runtime, when the script is interpreted, it will take up a larger memory footprint because unnecessary functions are imported. The benefit, however, is that you will not have to identify the necessary function, nor will you have to the method of module.function(). You can instead just directly call function().

The next two methods are ways of referencing a module or function as a different name. This allows you to shorten statements that need reuse and can often improve readability. The same namespace conflicts are present, so your imports and references should be defined carefully. The first is the declaration of a module as a different name:

import module as a

The second is the declaration of a function as a different name:

from module import function as a

There are other methods of executing these tasks, but this is enough to read the majority of the scripts produced and create useful tools.


Did you know that Python modules are scripts themselves? You can take a look at how these products work by checking out the Lib directory within the Python installation of Windows, which defaults to C:Python27Lib for Python 2.7. In Kali Linux, it can be found at /usr/lib/python2.7.

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