Other Spring 5 Features

From the installation and configuration of HTTP/2 down to Spring 5 microservices using Spring Boot 2.0 development, this book has listed a lot of old modules and showed that Spring 5 still supports them through some successful recipes. Likewise, half of the chapters also dropped some how-tos on the new set of foundation classes and interfaces needed to build asynchronous and reactive web solutions.

This book will not be complete without these features, that may or may not be familiar to some but are within the realms of the Spring 5 platform. These features may belong to the Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux modules but can be useful in general to solve some future problems involving Spring 5 web development.

In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Using Hibernate 5 object-relational mapping
  • Applying Hazelcast distributed caching
  • Building client-server communications with WebSocket
  • Implementing Reactive WebSocket communication
  • Implementing asynchronous Spring Data JPA properties
  • Implementing Reactive Spring Data JPA repositories
  • Using Spring Data MongoDB
  • Building applications for big data storage
  • Building a Spring 5 application using Kotlin
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