Simplifying methods with operators

We might want two instances of a person to be able to procreate.

Implementing some functionality with a method

Add the following method to the Person class:

    // method to "multiply" 
    public Person Procreate(Person partner) 
      var baby = new Person  
        Name = $"Baby of {this.Name} and {partner.Name}"  
      return baby; 

At the top of the Program.cs file, type the following code to import the namespace for our class and statically import the Console type:

    using Packt.CS7; 
    using static System.Console; 

Now, we can get two people to make a baby by adding the following to the Main method of the Program.cs file:

    var harry = new Person { Name = "Harry" }; 
    var mary = new Person { Name = "Mary" }; 
    var baby1 = harry.Procreate(mary); 
    WriteLine($"{mary.Name} has {mary.Children.Count} children."); 
    WriteLine($"{harry.Name} has {harry.Children.Count} children."); 
    WriteLine($"{harry.Name}'s first child is named

Run the console application and view the output:

Mary has 1 children.
Harry has 1 children.
Harry's first child is named "Baby of Harry and Mary".

Implementing some functionality with an operator

An alternative would be to define an operator to allow two people to multiply. To allow this, we need to define a static operator for the * symbol inside the Person class:

    // operator to "multiply" 
    public static Person operator *(Person p1, Person p2) 
      return p1.Procreate(p2); 

Add the following code at the end of the Main method, but before writing the children, count to the console:

    var baby1 = harry.Procreate(mary); 
    var baby2 = harry * mary; 
    WriteLine($"{mary.Name} has {mary.Children.Count} children."); 

Run the application and view the output:

Mary has 2 children.
Harry has 2 children.
Harry's first child is named "Baby of Harry and Mary".


Good Practice

Since it may not be obvious to a programmer who is using your class that instances of the class can use an operator, it's best to have both a method and an operator that perform the same function. For example, the string type has both a Concat method and can use the + operator to concatenate two strings together.

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