Continuous Integration with Jenkins

In the last chapter, we looked at how to run the Appium test on an emulator and physical devices. We also learned how to start the emulator through the command line. We explored how to run the Appium test on physical devices, including iOS devices. So far, we have seen how to use Appium, learned how to author test, learned to automate gestures, and learned about design patterns as well. The next step is to run these Appium tests via a continuous integration tool, Jenkins. In this chapter, we will take a detailed look at the following:

  • Setting up Jenkins
  • Exporting reports as artefacts

Generally, on any development project, we use a continuous integration tool. It's a standard development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository. Once the developer checks in the code, it is verified by the automated build that does basic jobs, such as compiling the code and running unit tests.

Before we set up Jenkins, let's refactor the code to run the automation test via command line using the tool Gradle.

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