Starting the server with advanced options

Appium app allows you to start the server with the advanced options. Clicking on Advanced on the launch screen opens a new configuration section in the app, which allows you to select the General Server arguments and the iOS/Android specific arguments:

It allows you to enter the following details:

  • General:
    • LogFile Path: This is the location where we want to store the Appium log file.
    • Log Level: The default value is debug; other allowed values are info, info:debug, info:info, info:warn, info:error, warn, warn:debug, warn:info, warn:warn, warn:error, error, error:debug, error:info, error:warn, error:error, debug, debug:debug, debug:info, debug:warn, and debug:error.
    • Override Temp Path: This is the absolute path to the directory Appium can use to manage temporary files.
    • Node Config File Path: This is the configuration JSON file to register Appium.
    • Local Timezone: This is to use the local timezone for timestamps.
    • Allow Session Override: This enables session override.
    • Log Timestamps: They show timestamps in console output.
    • Suppress Log Colour: Do not use colors in console output.
    • Strict Caps mode: This causes sessions to fail if desired caps are sent, and it does not recognize it as valid for the selected device.
  • iOS
    • WebDriverAgent Port: Local port used for communication with WebDriverAgent.
    • executeAsync Callback Host: Callback IP Address (default: the same as address).
    • executeAsync Callback Port: Callback port (default: the same as port).
  • Android
    • Bootstrap Port: Port to use on device to talk to Appium.
    • Selendroid Port: Local port used for communication with Selendroid.
    • Chromedriver Port: Port upon which ChromeDriver will run. If not passed, Android driver will pick a random available port.
    • Chromedriver Binary Path: ChromeDriver executable full path.

Appium app allows you to the save the config by clicking on the Save As Preset... option.

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