Third-Party Runner (Via IntelliJ)

IntelliJ enables you to run Cucumber features via the cucumber.cli.main class. Navigate to IntelliJ > Run > Edit Configurations; we can configure it as shown in the following screenshot:

Let's look at some of these important items in detail:

  • Main: This is the main() method, the main class name is cucumber.cli.main.
  • Glue: This is the package name where the step definitions are contained.
  • Feature or folder path: This is the directory name where the feature file is contained. You can also specify a specific feature here.
  • VM Options: This is the string value to be passed to the VM for launching the app. The string contains options such as mx and verbose. If we specify a class path here as part of VM Options, it will override the class path of the module.
  • Program Arguments: This is the list of arguments to be passed to the program in the same format as that of the command line.

If you are using Eclipse, it also provides similar options to run Cucumber-ivm test.

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