Writing Your First Appium Test

In the last two chapters, we saw what Appium is and how to set up the machine for both Mac OSX and Windows. Now that we have the ecosystem set up, let's start using Appium and writing some actual tests on Appium. In this chapter, we will set up an Appium Java project using IntelliJ and write our first test.

So, the set up we need before we actually write the code is this:

  • Create a sample Java project
  • Add Appium (automation tool) as a dependency
  • Add Cucumber-JVM as a dependency
  • Write a small test for a mobile web

For this example project, we will use Cucumber to write the specification. Cucumber is a tool based on the behavior-driven development framework. We have a separate section in this chapter that briefly talks about Cucumber.

While authoring this book, both the Mac OSX as well as Windows machine support has been included. However, the features of Appium on Windows is not in sync with Mac OS Appium app. Windows users might find the Appium UI option to be missing on certain screens, please do proceed with the most similar option available.
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